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File details in status bar into feedbox

Posted: 2009-07-27, 19:10 UTC
by eugensyl
Sorry if the subject is somewhere in other place.

My question is about visibility of file details like: size, date, time and attribute into status bar when a selection is active. Let me explain:

After a search action (when I looking for duplicates - for examples) I sent list of found files to the feedbox. In status bar I have some useful information, as I mentioned before. If I select one ore more files/dirs status bar is changed and no more details are shown about the file under cursor.

I consider here more important visibility of detailed property of files in order to have a choice for selecting between two or more file to delete.
For example if I looking for duplicates only with same name, I want to delete older or smallest. I know, if header is set to sort by date or size I can choose first or last.

Return to my question: can be set TC to show details of file under cursor always, even when a selection is made, into status bar?

In brief mode status bar have same behavior and also those informations (file details) can be useful.

Posted: 2009-07-27, 19:49 UTC
by sqa_wizard
You can use custom columns for this, even after "feed to listbox"

Posted: 2009-07-27, 23:48 UTC
by HolgerK

Hover the file with the mouse, or define a shortcut to show the tool tip:

Posted: 2009-07-28, 21:26 UTC
by eugensyl
Thanks HolgerK!

Thanks sqa_wizard!

Don't you think is better to show in status bar ?
Space into status bar exist enough, computers are powerful now.

If the space is not enough (if window is not maximized) only size or date can be shown.

I forgot. This is a suggestion.

2Moderator: Please move the post.

Posted: 2009-07-28, 22:43 UTC
by Hacker
[mod]Moved to the Suggestions forum.

Hacker (Moderator)[/mod]