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Log the errors to file

Posted: 2009-07-27, 20:03 UTC
by Samuel
Just a recommendation:
It would be nice if the errors would be logged to file. I caught me just closing them sometimes. And also the forum tells me about users that do so.

There would be no need of instant copying anymore.

I know if users cant tell a story about an error in most cases its just useless, but there were many bug reports recently without the exact error text.

Posted: 2009-07-28, 00:22 UTC
by Balderstrom
Try something like NirSoft's SysExporter
SysExporter utility allows you to grab the data stored in standard
list-views, tree-views, list boxes, combo boxes, text-boxes, and
WebBrowser/HTML controls from almost any application running on your
system, and export it to text, HTML or XML file.
Here's some examples for data that you can export with SysExporter:
* The files list inside archive file (.zip, .rar, and so on) as
displayed by WinZip or 7-Zip File Manager.
* The files list inside a folder.
* The event log of Windows.
* The list of emails and contacts in Outlook Express.
* The Registry values displayed in the right pane of the Registry
* The data displayed by SysInternals utilities (Registry Monitor, File
Monitor, Process Explorer, and others.)
* The text inside a standard message-box of Windows.
* The HTML inside any instance of Internet Explorer.

Posted: 2009-07-28, 06:46 UTC
by Samuel
Wouldnt be a solution. It needs to be implemented by TC itself.

The problem right now is that people are too comfortable to copy the text. So I think there will be very few that are willing to install an external tool for that.