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Action when trying to change directory in a locked tab

Posted: 2003-11-28, 12:05 UTC
by Lefteous
Many users don't like the current bevahior. Example: When I double-click on a subdir in a locked tab the subdir will be opened as a new unlocked tab.

Posted: 2003-11-28, 12:24 UTC
by NightByte
Gesperrte Tabs sollten den Zugang zu allen Unterverzeichnissen ermöglichen, ohne Nachfrage.

Der Name im Tab soll dabei erhalten bleiben.

Per Klick (DpKlick) auf den Tab sollte man
wieder in das ursprünglich gesperrte Verzeichnis zurück kommen.

(Bei Bedarf kann ich ja selbst mit Strg+T den Unterordner in einem neuen Tab öffnen)

Posted: 2003-11-28, 13:04 UTC
by Wilhelm M.
1) If an unlocked Tab exists then this Tab should be overwritten.
2) If no unlocked Tab exists then a new unlocked Tab should be opened.


Posted: 2003-11-28, 13:58 UTC
by Coco
The best would be to have different option to choose from.

I would prefer that it stay in the same tab.

Posted: 2003-11-28, 19:44 UTC
by tombik
Open SubDir in the current locked tab without Yes/No

Posted: 2003-11-28, 20:12 UTC
by havanna
I'd prefer something like
Doubleclick on dir opens in same (locked) Tab and dobleclick on tab returns
with shift opens in new unlocked tab.

Posted: 2003-11-28, 22:50 UTC
by oblomov
Whichever way is chosen in the end, how would it cope with the idea I think I've seen somewhere else about having a 'root folder' for 'locked' tabs so that you can navigate in the subfolders but no go 'up'?

Posted: 2003-11-28, 22:54 UTC
by Ivan Moratinos
I would prefer that it stay in the same tab.
What would be the difference between locked and unlocked tabs then?

Posted: 2003-11-29, 01:34 UTC
by DoubleT
Wilhelm M. wrote:1) If an unlocked Tab exists then this Tab should be overwritten.
2) If no unlocked Tab exists then a new unlocked Tab should be opened.
I also prefer this behavior.

1a) Because it can give several unlocked tabs, there should be one preferred tab. This could be marked as 'aktiv'.

And make it optional, so any user can use his own configuration.


Posted: 2003-11-29, 16:21 UTC
by Coco
Ivan Moratinos wrote:
I would prefer that it stay in the same tab.
What would be the difference between locked and unlocked tabs then?
1st) To have a fixed name to it.
2nd) request: Like mentionned in another thread the locked tab should act as a "root folder". Could navigate to any subfolder but not higher and CTRL+\ bring us back to the top of this tab.

Posted: 2003-11-29, 19:44 UTC
by jb
In my opinion the tab design of TC 6.0 is only the first step of "tabbed file management" and needs a complete redesign. Therefore this poll is actually useless because multiple tab-related features should be considered together to get optimal usability. You know: The whole is more than the sum of its tiny parts.
Many users already have contributed ideas for improvements. I think it's time to consolidate these ideas instead of discussing single points over and over again. I tried to gather some of the most useful new features for tabs that should not be missing in a redesign:
  1. Every tab has a tab root (home directory).
  2. The tab root is set to the current directory automatically when creating or locking a tab.
  3. In the tab context menu there is a new item "Set root of this tab to current directory" bound to a new command cm_SetTabRoot.
  4. In locked tabs you can navigate below the tab root, but not above it.
    In unlocked tabs navigation is not restricted (as it is already).
  5. Option to bind the \ button (currently bound to cm_GoToRoot) to a new command cm_GoToNextRoot which goes to the next higher root within the following root hierarchy (with corresponding "absolute jump" commands):

    Desktop (cm_OpenDesktop)
    - Network (cm_OpenNetwork)
    - ...
    - My Computer (cm_OpenDrives)
    - - DriveRoot (cm_GoToRoot)
    - - - TabRoot (NEW: cm_GoToTabRoot; not necessarily below DriveRoot, but typically)
  6. Options to keep tab name when changing the current directory:
    a) Keep default names of unlocked tabs (default: no).
    b) Keep user-defined names of unlocked tabs (default: yes).
    c) Keep default names of locked tabs (default: yes).
    d) Keep user-defined names of locked tabs (default: yes).

Posted: 2003-11-29, 20:14 UTC
by jb
Wilhelm M. wrote:1) If an unlocked Tab exists then this Tab should be overwritten.
2) If no unlocked Tab exists then a new unlocked Tab should be opened.
Good idea, but I would offer this feature only as "secondary behaviour" which applies in the following cases:
1) User tries to go above the root of a locked tab.
2) User opens a directory with Shift (Shift-Enter, Shift-Doubleclick).

Wilhelm M. wrote:1) If an unlocked Tab exists then this Tab should be overwritten.
More precisely: If unlocked tabs (1..*) exist then the rightmost of them (or the most-recently-used or the least-recently-used) should be overwritten.

Posted: 2003-11-30, 14:21 UTC
by soreno
I would make "locked tabs" the default view when starting Total Commander.

Locked tabs should not be different from ordinary tabs, it should be possible to change directory.

It should however be possible to "reset to default view" from within Total Commander (assigned to some hotkey).

I lobbied for tabs in Total Commander (in the old forum) but the current implementation does not suit me. Actually I don't really use tabs as the implementation is currently.

The above mentioned is my idea of tab-usage.

Posted: 2003-11-30, 14:34 UTC
by jb
soreno wrote:Actually I don't really use tabs as the implementation is currently.
I'm also disappointed with the current implementation and use it only occasionally to follow the discussion. :(

Posted: 2003-12-01, 16:41 UTC
by skaarjwarr
Wilhelm M. wrote:1) If an unlocked Tab exists then this Tab should be overwritten.
2) If no unlocked Tab exists then a new unlocked Tab should be opened.

I think this is a good idea and I'd prefer this option.