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[OT] New mobile OS from MS - Windows Phone 7 Series

Posted: 2010-02-16, 09:33 UTC
by DrShark
Although I'm a long-time Symbian user, I cannot just ignore the news about new mobile OS from Microsoft, this week presented during Mobile World Congress 2010. That's because it will completely change our perception of Windows Mobile.
The new UI is now much more simplified and phone oriented, in contrast with old PC-Win3.1-like one. The W7-phone will have a close integration with Windows Marketplace, XBox services (requires Live ID) and social networks. Sounds cool, but there are some confusing rumors about the W7Phone, and most currently confirmed:
1. Removed backward compatibility with apps designed for WM6.5 and older.
2. New apps will require mandatory signing (certification).
3. The only one official way to install new apps. It is a Windows Marketplace. Marketplace will be available only for countries where the Win7Phone running devices will officially ship.
4. Multitasking removed. At least in the classical sense. It will be more iPhone-like...

Of course, there is a ~year before first Win7Phone devices will arrive on a market and alot can change, but interesting to know what WM- and Total Commander/CE- users are think about latest news.

Posted: 2010-02-16, 23:03 UTC
by Hacker
- Will wait for devices and reviews.
I cannot understand / imagine who would want all their Facebook contacts in a phone contact list. I do not want my Facebook contacts to interfere with my phone contacts. Same way with Gmail contacts and all the other "social networks".
Concerning multitasking - will I be able to run apps in background (eg. changing the ringing volume according to my location)?


Posted: 2010-02-18, 16:03 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
No one knows anything about the programming interface yet. If the rumors are true that only .net applications will be possible, I will probably abandon the Pocket version of TC, sorry.