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add"hide menu"order,"float toolbar"

Posted: 2011-03-26, 05:48 UTC
by tcyear
From china with love

Posted: 2011-03-26, 11:38 UTC
by Sir_SiLvA
a) next time please have the time to make a post that says more clearly what you want

b) to kill the menu you have to put RestrictInterface=1 in your configuration file and use a empty *.mnu-file

c) whatever you mean with "float toolbar" there is no such thing - tc is a filemanager and not a paint program...

Posted: 2011-04-03, 16:31 UTC
by happytc
Sir_SiLvA wrote:a) next time please have the time to make a post that says more clearly what you want

b) to kill the menu you have to put RestrictInterface=1 in your configuration file and use a empty *.mnu-file
Like doing this, you have to restart TC. He meant to have internal command, like cm_visButtonbar. (BTW: TC has no "Restart" command)
c) whatever you mean with "float toolbar" there is no such thing - tc is a filemanager and not a paint program...
I guess the "float toolbar" that is Dock.

Posted: 2011-04-03, 17:07 UTC
by Sir_SiLvA
happytc wrote:
Sir_SiLvA wrote:something I wrote
Like doing this, you have to restart TC.
Ofc you do, sorry next time I will write the obvious stuff just for you too...
He meant to have internal command, like cm_visButtonbar.
you know what HE wants? you can read his mind?
(BTW: TC has no "Restart" command)
No, but you can make yourself one by using ...
(ofc to do so you have to READ the Helpfile or the Wiki to understand how making your own tc cmds work...)

Posted: 2011-04-03, 18:56 UTC
by happytc
I will add this function of "HideTCMenuBar" in my program (TCLive: <removed>). In TCLive, you can toggle(hide/show) TC menu bar by hotkey.

[mod]Aand, link removed again.

Hacker (Moderator)[/mod]

Posted: 2011-04-03, 19:06 UTC
by Sir_SiLvA
didnt u wanted to exclude the "Auto hit Nag Window"-Feature from your program?....

Posted: 2011-04-03, 19:33 UTC
by happytc
Sir_SiLvA wrote:didnt u wanted to exclude the "Auto hit Nag Window"-Feature from your program?....
Oh, So sorry,I forgot that. I will get rid of it in lasting new TCLive!

Posted: 2011-04-04, 05:12 UTC
by happytc
Sir_SiLvA wrote:didnt u wanted to exclude the "Auto hit Nag Window"-Feature from your program?....
In the Ver2.0.2 of TCLive, has remove this function

Download TCLive:

TCLive's Functions:
Define title bar of TC
Display date on title bar of TC
Toggle window of TC by hot key
Define window Transparency of TC
Auto hit nag window
Auto save Screenshot
Sending selected files in TC by Email
Press Ctrl key to automatically completes cm_/em_/Alias commands
Show/Hide TC menu bar by hot key
Copy/Cut files in background

Notice: Sending selected files in TC by Email, You must set follow setting in usercmd.ini
menu= TCLiveEmail
for example: cmd=%commander_path%\..\TCLive.exe

TCLive update log

+ Add show/hide TC's menu bar by hot key
+ Add section 'CopyCutBackground': 1-copy/cut in Background, 0-TC default way
+ Add corresponding sections in Config-GUI-Interface

* Fixed some bugs
* optimized Check TCLive new version

- Reduce the function of 'AutoHitNagWindow'

Posted: 2011-04-04, 06:54 UTC
by petermad
TCLive's Functions:
Define title bar of TC
Display date on title bar of TC
Toggle window of TC by hot key
Define window Transparency of TC
Auto hit nag window - still there?
Auto save Screenshot
Sending selected files in TC by Email - aleady supported by right click menu without using TCLive
Press Ctrl key to automatically completes cm_/em_/Alias commands
Show/Hide TC menu bar by hot key
Copy/Cut files in background

Posted: 2011-04-10, 14:34 UTC
by happytc
petermad wrote:
TCLive's Functions:
Define title bar of TC
Display date on title bar of TC
Toggle window of TC by hot key
Define window Transparency of TC
Auto hit nag window - still there?
Only I forfog this illustration
Auto save Screenshot
Sending selected files in TC by Email - aleady supported by right click menu without using TCLive
Diffrent way to do it . “Right click way” - you have to use other program!

Posted: 2011-04-10, 17:30 UTC
by Sir_SiLvA
happytc wrote:
Sending selected files in TC by Email - aleady supported by right click menu without using TCLive
Diffrent way to do it . “Right click way” - you have to use other program!
You seriously want to email something with TC? :?: :twisted: :roll: :twisted:

Posted: 2011-04-10, 19:06 UTC
by happytc
Sir_SiLvA wrote:
happytc wrote:
Sending selected files in TC by Email - aleady supported by right click menu without using TCLive
Diffrent way to do it . “Right click way” - you have to use other program!
You seriously want to email something with TC? :?: :twisted: :roll: :twisted:
Yeah! Sometime need to backup some files by Email. Selecting Files in TC and sending them by TCLive-Email, it's very convenient. Don't need you to input anyting, just click "Sending" button

BTW: I'll add "Float Toolbar" of TC in next TCLive's Version!

Posted: 2011-04-10, 19:39 UTC
by Sir_SiLvA
happytc wrote:Yeah! Sometime need to backup some files by Email.
Ofc you email files that needs to be backuped...why do I just dont trust you with that...

oh and btw this is a forum for TC Suggestions not for suggestions for TCLive....

Posted: 2011-04-10, 19:44 UTC
by Sir_SiLvA

On the front page of TCLive (
it still reads:
Redefining TC title bar Display TC statusline content on TC title bar Display current Date/Time on TC title bar
Auto hit Nag Window Set TC Window transparency Auto saved screenshot picture Send selected files in TC by Email ......
I have no clue where the google-code-email-adress is but I am sure they don't support crackers either...

Posted: 2011-04-10, 19:56 UTC
by happytc
Sir_SiLvA wrote:
happytc wrote:Yeah! Sometime need to backup some files by Email.
Ofc you email files that needs to be backuped...why do I just dont trust you with that...
I don't beg you to use TCLive,ok?
who do you think you are
oh and btw this is a forum for TC Suggestions not for suggestions for TCLive....
Because TCLive is TC'Utilitie