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Translation to your language

Posted: 2011-06-10, 16:21 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Some testers have asked whether they could help with the translation of Total Commander for Android to their language.

This is now possible on the site

To participate, simply go to the following link:

You will have to create a free account on to access
the translations.

I have already added all the languages which were part of Total Commander for Windows Mobile, and imported all the strings which appear in both versions. This reduces the number of strings to translate quite a bit.

The following translations are already complete: English, German, French,
Czech, Danish, Hellenic, Hungarian, Dutch, Polish, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese (almost).

I'm looking for help especially for Finnish, Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Slovenian, Serbian, Turkish and Korean, where there are already some strings available.

Please contact me by e-mail if you want to translate to a language
which isn't currently listed.

Thanks for your help!

Christian Ghisler

Posted: 2011-11-03, 16:10 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Total Commander for Android 1.0 is nearing its completion. It would be great to have the following languages completed, so any help is apreciated:
Finnish, Serbian, Turkish, Japanese, Vietnamese, Brazilian Portuguese.

The project is now public, you can visit it here:

Thanks for your help!

add hebrew please

Posted: 2011-11-04, 09:36 UTC
by s_h
i want translate to hebrew

Posted: 2011-11-04, 13:05 UTC
by woelle@ffm
I try it in English.

How is it that you can plugin nachinstllierne or languages ​​as the download would be asked is, which languages ​​you want to install. Thus, the TC would not file size.

Ich versuche es auf englisch.

Wie wäre es, das man die Sprachen als plugin nachinstllierne kann oder beim runterladen gefragtwird, welche Sprachen man installieren möchte. Damit wäre das TC file nicht so groß.

Posted: 2011-11-04, 13:53 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Das würde ich persönlich auch besser finden. Leider wird das von Android nicht unterstützt.

I would also find it better to install languages separately, but unfortunately it's not supported by Android.

Posted: 2011-11-05, 15:29 UTC
by HO0815XX
ghisler(Author) wrote:Das würde ich persönlich auch besser finden. Leider wird das von Android nicht unterstützt.

I would also find it better to install languages separately, but unfortunately it's not supported by Android.
Why not? As an example: For the app >Handcent SMS< I've installed a separate language-pack. In my case it's a German-pack.

Posted: 2011-11-05, 17:23 UTC
by woelle@ffm
On my LG 540 with the 2.1 Android software language (system-club setting) is queried. If this approved then only one language is transmitted, the program, which is transmitted also smaller. However, you have the option Solte can nochinstalliern another language if necessary.

Bei meinem LG 540 mit Software 2.1 Android wird die Sprache (System-Vereinstellung) abgefragt. Wenn in diesem zuge dann nur die eine Sprache übermittelt wird, wird das Programm, welches übertragen wird auch kleiner. Allerdings solte die Option haben man, eine andere Sprache ggf nochinstalliern können.

Posted: 2011-11-05, 22:24 UTC
by s_h
please add hebrew in crowdin project.

Posted: 2011-11-06, 14:18 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Which program supports that?

I'm sorry, I found no way to mirror dialogs in Android to handle right to left text. Therefore it's currently not possible to support Hebrew. Are there any Apps which support it? If yes, how do they handle right to left text?

Posted: 2011-11-07, 21:34 UTC
by s_h

Posted: 2011-11-10, 15:05 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Hmm, that doesn't look right - for example, in your second screenshot, the [+] buttons should be on the left side of the edit boxes, and the text above them should be right-aligned.

Posted: 2011-11-10, 20:03 UTC
by s_h
ok. by now let me add the lang strings.
It is not conditional on RTL view.