Make F2/Queue the new default behaviour for copying/moving

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<t>$What is the best format for the copying action</t>

- A combination of the normal copying window and the F2/Queue copying window
- The normal copying window
- The F2/Queue copying window
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Make F2/Queue the new default behaviour for copying/moving

Post by *sambuca »

I was thinking that it would be handy to have the F2/Queue behaviour as a default for every copying/moving action.
This way you don't have to abort or pause a big copying action, if you later decide you need to copy/move more and would like to make a queue. (having 2 copying processes running at the same time is very inefficient and slow.)
The behaviour of the F2/Queue window would have to be changed slightly to behave more like the normal copying window, so it should not go to the background automatically, but only when the 'Background' button is pressed (like in the normal copying window). Also the F2/Queue should include the new progress info (13/230 files, 8/45 Mb).
I think it would make the program less complex (now we have 2 different forms of the same action (copying/moving).
Also I think both the F2/Queue and the normal copying window have their strong points, but both miss some functionality of the other. By combining them, they would only have strong points and nothing missing! :)
Also now a normal copying window which has been pushed to the background, cannot be brought back, while the F2/Queue window can do that, so that would be an improvement also.[mod]Polls are only allowed in the special forum section, thread moved to Total Commander Polls (English)
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Post by *MVV »

Is it so hard to press F2 instead of Enter every time? Or to change INI option AlwaysCopyInBackground once? :D
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Post by *sambuca »

I actually oppose to copying in the background always (currently default with the F2/Queue window)! If you want that you indeed have this INI option.

The problem with the normal copying window is that once you have pushed it to the background, you can't get it back to normal (full functionality) again. The F2/Queue can be brought to the forground with it's full functionality. But the F2/Queue window lacks the new progress info.

For a combined copying window it would be on the foreground by default and have a background button to push it away.
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Post by *dfev77 »

I would like to be able to configure the "queue" as default copy mode.
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