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Support for non-latin filenames inside a zip archive

Posted: 2011-10-03, 00:11 UTC
by volovyan
Hi Christian,
Your TC for Android is brilliant. I am now using TC as the only filemgr on my Galaxy 10.1 tablet.
There are couple of features I'm missing.
First, I have archives (zip) with cyrillic filenames which I keep on my Windows 7 based home server. Those filenames are shown with unreadable chars, attempts to open such a file fails. Actually, I could not find any filemgr for Android capable to properly show say utf8 filename inside an archive. There is only CoolReader book reader which is capable to properly show such filenames and open them...
Second wish is to make it possible to mount system as r/w for root capable devices.
Thank you,

Posted: 2011-10-03, 21:35 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
They are probably not UTF-8 names because TC for Android can handle UTF-8 in ZIP. They are just using the Cyrillic locale (ANSI or OEM). I guess that your phone is set to English (USA/Canada) locale, then TC will use that locale for the ZIP encoding.