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[Bug] extract from zip to system directories not possible

Posted: 2011-11-03, 19:53 UTC
by gap
Hi, I found a small bug.

When I try to copy/extract a file from inside a zip file to a "R/W" mounted system directory directly I get an error.
I noticed that the SU permission confirmation shows after I dismiss the error-popup, maybe thats the problem?

As a workaround I have to extract it to a non-system directory (/mnt/sdcard) and copy the extracted file to the system directory.

Thank you again for the best Android file manager there is!

Posted: 2011-11-04, 13:54 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
This is unfortunately impossible. Why? TC cannot by itself write to system directories, it has to open a hidden Linux shell and send shell commands like cp (copy) or mv (move) to it. There is no unzip which could be run as root.