The bugs found were fixed in 2.2.14 beta. You can check.
For other fixes and new features, see history_en.txt.
Arrays are now supported. An analogue of your problem example will look like this:
Code: Select all
# Show list of IP addresses by Alt + i
SetHotkeyAction /K:A /H:I getAllIPAddresses
Func getAllIPAddresses
Local WMI = WMIQuery(), i, IP, IPs, AllIPs
WMI.Query('SELECT IPAddress FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration')
While WMI.Next()
For i = 0 To WMI.GetValue('IPAddress', -1) - 1
IP = WMI.GetValue('IPAddress', i)
If IP <> '' Then IPs = IPs & ' / ' & IP
If IPs <> '' Then
AllIPs = AllIPs & auLf & StrMid(IPs, 4)
IPs = ''
MsgBox(StrMid(AllIPs, 2))