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Sugg: Android Ui Layout

Posted: 2012-06-03, 13:29 UTC
by p0izn
Hello, TC team, thanks for the excellent Android app.
I'd like to suggest you to place Switch tab button always to be left-alligned (i think it will be convinient to touch it with a thumb finger of the left hand on bigscreens 4,3" and > -devices -- for left-handed usage), with constant customizable position of this (-> & = ) buttons. (For left & righthanded users).
Also, it will be good to make Ghisler com link in About-section clickable. :)
Sorry for my English.

Posted: 2012-06-03, 13:57 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Do you mean the button with the 3 arrows used to switch between the two panels? Unfortunately this isn't possible - if you look closely, the screen scrolls sideways between the two file panels, and the arrwo button is between them.

Posted: 2012-06-29, 14:57 UTC
by p0izn
Sorry, yes, i meant switchin between the file panels. :roll:
Few suggestions:
:arrow: TC-editor is a good replacement for different notepads. I think, it would be nice to see TC-editor at main screen, right next to the available plugins.

:arrow: Dont know, whether its possible, but can u make TC to show folder's size after selection (tapping on icon), just like pushin Space in desktopTC?

:?: Sometimes I have a problem with a vertical scroll (switching between panels with a gesture is off). When i move my finger ALMOST (not exactly) vertically, horisontal scrollbar appears in the bottom of the screen, just like TC wants to switch to the another panel. Because of it vertical scroll freezes at this moment. Feels like this > :evil: . (galaxy s2, cm9 nightlies and RC1, touch sensitivity is by default)

Thanks again for TC.
Sorry for my English.

Posted: 2012-06-29, 15:18 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
About the editor: Yes it is, but there is a problem: When Total Commander itself was started before, and is still running in the background, and you open and close the editor, then you will land in Total Commander and not where you started (e.g. the desktop). This is inconvenient when using my editor from some other file manager. Any ideas how this could be prevented? Anyone?

Folder size: You can do this with a user-defined button. The command number is 115 (internal command).

Vertical scroll: This is unfortunately an Android detection mechanism - 45° seems to be the detection border. You an turn off horizontal scrolling in TC's settings if you have this problem regularly. Then you need to use the arrow button to switch panels.

Posted: 2012-06-29, 19:03 UTC
by p0izn
Vertical scroll: This is unfortunately an Android detection mechanism - 45° seems to be the detection border. You an turn off horizontal scrolling in TC's settings if you have this problem regularly. Then you need to use the arrow button to switch panels.
Seems , you didn't understand. I swipe ~ 100-80 degrees (i mean almost vertically), switch between panels with a horiz. gesture is OFF. But vertical scroll freezes sometimes.Soon I will provide video demonstrating this situation.

Posted: 2012-07-02, 12:28 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
The problem is the moment when the finger touches the display. If this goes only a tiny bit sideways, Android will detect it as side scrolling and not vertical scrolling.

Posted: 2012-10-06, 20:50 UTC
by p0izn
Sorry for late reply
Yep, my fault: different roms, different touch sensitivity and other circumstances.

Dunno, whether this is bugreport:Sams i9100, TCbeta1, JBean (cm10)
Mounted usb-flash succesfully (fat32, 16Gb), tried to copy 3.1Gb .mkv from it to internal sd (3.2Gb... was free). Progressbar (both two) was on 0% for minute or more. File wasnt copied.
Suggestion: please add a label, showing .apk version in a dialogue, which appears after tapping .apk-file. Thank you.
Sugg/question: any chance to show big sizes in Mb, not in G, or possibility to set this option in prefs, like in pc version? Because before copying files sometimes its hard to say , whether my sd has enough space to complete operation.

Thanks for the app!

Sorry for my English

Posted: 2012-10-08, 12:49 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
3.1GB will take a LOT of time, so the 0% for 1 minute is probably right.