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[Bug] FTP-Plugin: CheckBox Masterpassword buggy

Posted: 2012-10-18, 09:07 UTC
by franc

when I try to check more than one CheckBox to use for a FTP connection the master password, I can check the first, I have to input the master password, but I cannot check the second one, it is not saved.

I have to kill ftp-plugin and restart totalcmd to set the next CheckBox.

The same problem is reproducable, when I add more than one new ftp-connections. Even when I check each time the super password CheckBox, it is not saved.

I am on totalcmd 2b2 and FTP Plugin 1.01

This is an immense security flaw, as the passwords in ftp for totalcmd are
saved in clear text, see other bug-report.


Posted: 2012-10-18, 12:50 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
This is a known problem which will be fixed in the next beta (actually it has already been fixed, but the next beta isn't out yet).

Posted: 2012-11-02, 18:06 UTC
by franc
ghisler(Author) wrote:This is a known problem which will be fixed in the next beta (actually it has already been fixed, but the next beta isn't out yet).
Is it possible, that with update from 2beta2 to 2beta4 the master password from totalcmd FTP (1.01 but also 2beta1) is not compatible?

Please check this!

I updated 2beta2 to 2beta4 and same time FTP from 1.01 to 2beta1 and now I cannot login anymore to all FTP accounts which I protected with the master password (this are all my 13 Ftp accounts!!!).
Surely, it is possible that I made a mistake when I wrote down the master password, but I doubt it.
Downgrade to 2beta2 and FTP 1.01 didn't change the problem.

Posted: 2012-11-02, 18:53 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I'm not aware of such a problem, but I will check it.