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external SD mounted via init.d: no shortcut in TC Homescreen

Posted: 2012-11-20, 00:24 UTC
by amokbunny

First, being a long-time user of the Windows Comm...erm, the Windows version of Total Commander I seriously love the android version, it's an as perfect tool as under windows :D

But one problem:
I have an ext4-formatted external SD, which I mount via the init.d-folder.
This works fine: I can access it via the original mount point (/storage/sdcard1 - yes, CM10) and also via the symlinks /mnt/extSdCard and /extSdCard.

But: In TC, only the shortcut of the first/internal SD shows up, no shortcut to the external SD.

Do I use a "standard" SD and let android do the mounting it shows up fine as shortcut SD-card1 in the TC Home screen.
Just to clarify, I can perfectly access the external SD when manually mounted in TC. It's just not showing up in the TC home screen.

Any ideas?

Posted: 2012-11-21, 09:35 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Unfortunately there is no function on Android to get additional SD cards.

TC can only show cards which are listed in

Maybe you have an idea how to detect manually added mount points?

Posted: 2012-11-28, 18:01 UTC
by amokbunny
When does TC query the mountpoints?

I guess TC reads "/system/etc/vold.fstab" and/or "/proc/mounts" before the SD is mounted by the initscript (or, at least, gets information about mounts from before that point), since after boot the SD shows up in both:

cat /system/etc/vold.fstab:
# external sdcard
dev_mount sdcard1 /storage/sdcard1 auto /devices/platform/s3c-sdhci.2/mmc_host/mmc1/


cat /proc/mounts:
/dev/block/mmcblk1 /storage/sdcard1 ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0

So in principle the entries are there.
Could one have TC re-read the mounted partitions after TC starts up?

Posted: 2012-11-29, 13:37 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
When does TC query the mountpoints?
1. When TC starts
2. TC registers a callback for the event: Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED

Thanks for posting the lines from these two files, I will check why they aren't recognized.

may I ask, is it the same problem as with second partition ?

Posted: 2012-12-22, 14:39 UTC
by WolfgangN
I'm currently not that well informed about all details in Android/Linux and it's filesystem. Nether the less, may I ask you following ?

I own a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (rooted) with a external SD card which I changed to have two partitions. First partition is FAT32, second partition is EXT3. I need this for using the APP Link2SD which move Apps to the second partition of this SD card and set a link for Android.

Total commander (and no other file commander so far) didn't show this second partition.
Don't know whether this can be improved... hope so ! Did you get any similar query so far ?

By the way, many thanks for all the great work on the total commander ! I licenced it some years ago. It works great ! Many thanks !

Posted: 2012-12-23, 13:47 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
TC only creates links for partitions which appear both in

Partitions mounted with the app Stickmount aren't shown either. If you have any idea how to detect them, I will add them.