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[.screenshot] folder?

Posted: 2012-12-10, 17:03 UTC
by shadowd
Hi - I have noticed there is a [.screenshot] folder that contains an image from an app on my phone. I know totalcommander created this folder and that it is not a native device folder. What is it used for and how did this image appear in this folder?



Posted: 2012-12-10, 17:07 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
No, it's not created by Total Commander. Which device do you use? For example, on the nexus 7 you can create screenshots by pressing the volume down and power buttons at the same time.

Posted: 2012-12-10, 17:10 UTC
by shadowd
Hi -

I am using a Nexus 7 version 4.1.1. Is this were all screenshots are stored?

Thanks for the fast reply! I don't recall using this functionality.

Posted: 2012-12-10, 17:20 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
No, mine are in /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Screenshots, but I'm using Android 4.2.1. There is a subdir "Screenshots" (without dot) too, but it contains only one screenshot. Maybe it's the dir used by Android 4.1.1?

Just try to create a new screenshot as I described above, and check where it goes.

Posted: 2012-12-10, 17:23 UTC
by shadowd
Thanks! I am waiting on my co-worker to bring the device in. I will let you know..thanks again for the great fast reply. Love the tool!

Posted: 2012-12-10, 18:13 UTC
by shadowd
Hi - I found out that the folder stores whatever screen is visible on the device when you connect via usb and open up total commander.

Posted: 2012-12-10, 18:29 UTC
by shadowd
The normal screenshots go in the location you pointed out earlier.

Posted: 2012-12-13, 14:34 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Maybe it's caused by a plugin (e.g. the ADB plugin)?