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TC for higher resolution tablets (2048x1536)

Posted: 2012-12-18, 11:47 UTC
by Wooff
TC is not compatible on my new tablet with retina display (2048x1536). Could I do anything with that? Or you ?
Or is there any other reason why it is not compatible?
Thank you,

Tablet Visture V4 HD / Cube u9gtv / Onda V972

Posted: 2012-12-20, 13:41 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
What exactly do you mean with "not compatible"?
1. This is shown in the play store, but you could install it from our homepage
2. You could install it from play store, but something isn't working
3. You couldn't even install it from our homepage


Posted: 2012-12-20, 15:27 UTC
by Wooff
I could not be installed from google play store.
I did not know it is possible to install it from site. I will try it after christmas and let you know if it is OK.

Thanks a lot.

Posted: 2012-12-20, 15:57 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I see. The Total Commander manifest declares the following screen options:

The "anyDensity" should ensure that high density screens should work too.