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Open .wiki-files in Android with a texeditor

Posted: 2012-12-27, 12:06 UTC
by Boskoop
I want to open a .wiki file with a text editor on my android phone. Unfortunately I didn't find any text editor app that can open .wiki textfiles by default. The only way is using total commander or another file explorer, navigating to the page and then through a bunch of dialogues to choose an editor to open it. Does anybody know how to registrate the .wiki-extension on android, alternatively an editor app that natively opens .wiki-files?


Posted: 2012-12-27, 13:34 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
You can't - file associations are handled through MIME types on Android, and it's not possible to add your own to the system.

What you can do in Total Commander: Define an internal association for .wiki to the editor you use. This can be done via menu "Configuration" - "Internal associations".

Posted: 2012-12-28, 10:18 UTC
by Boskoop
Thank you for answering- by using internal associations I can get around all these opening dialogues. That helps.

I know it's off topic- but does anybody know where Android stores the MIME associations? If they are stored in some sort of configuration file, one could possibly add an association to .wiki-files on a rooted phone.
