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Scrolling horisontal when entering folder.

Posted: 2013-02-01, 20:47 UTC
by jklausen
First of all this is a super app. But on my android, when i click on a folder, the left and right window changes size. That is very anoying. Can i turn that feature off? This does not happen on my PC. My android is a ASUS transformer pad.

Posted: 2013-02-01, 21:50 UTC
by white
[mod]Moved to Android forum.

White (moderator)

Posted: 2013-02-04, 13:56 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
This is done to show which is the active panel, because there is no concept of active/inactive title bar in Android.

Posted: 2013-02-04, 18:55 UTC
by Henrie
Ghost Commander does show an active color bar at the top of the file list.

Posted: 2013-02-07, 13:35 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Interesting, what color does it use? My problem is that the different Android schemes make it impossible to find a common color.

Posted: 2013-02-07, 18:07 UTC
by Henrie
Hello Christian,

It uses the color blue on my Samsung Galaxy SII with Android 4.0.4.
See screenshot here

But it can also use other colors (depending on the Android version?) as seen on screenshots at the Ghost Commander page at the Play store

EDIT (Feb 09, 2013):
I don't use Ghost Commander, but now i looked a bit further in it. The colors can be customized using the menu: Application > Settings > Customize the colors > Selected background