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How does the LAN plugin work ?

Posted: 2013-02-04, 18:23 UTC
by Gernij
I have a wireless network with a windows 8 PC I want to connect to. I switch on wifi and I make a new server in the LAN plugin.

I give it a name and then I fill in in the next screen:
Server name: ACER-PC (the name of the PC)
Username: the name of a user on this PC
Password: the password of that user

Whats the function of the mainpassword ? When I don't use it I can not connect to the PC. When I fill in the password of the user it connects.
But when it connects I see some folders namely:

When I switch to ADMIN$, C$ or D$ I get the message: incorrect username or password. I can however switch to print$ an Users. In Users I can see every user and al the directories and files underneath it (no security ?).

I want to go to the D$ drive. What is going wrong. Do I have to make some changes on the PC ? I don't understand how this is working and I can't find any more information on it. Can anyone clarify this to me ?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: 2013-02-07, 13:34 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
The master password is used to encrypt the stored passwords with AES256, so they cannot be stolen.

The shares with a $ at the end are so-called administrative shares. You need to connect with a user name who has admin rights on that computer to access these shares.

Posted: 2013-02-07, 19:18 UTC
by Gernij
Ok, thanks.

I would rather not us the admin account, so do I understand it correct that in that case (only use a limited rights account) I only can have access to the share "Users" and the directories underneath it ?

Or is there another way to have acces to one or more directories on the D drive of my PC ? (i.e. change access rights of a directory on the D drive)

It seems that I can access all the directories of all the users with the limited rights account. Isn't that strange ?

Posted: 2013-02-11, 13:54 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Yes, you need to explicitly share drive D on the target machine and make sure that the user you use to connect has read and/or write rights to that share.