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Total Commander 2.70 public beta 1 for Android

Posted: 2015-11-09, 09:30 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Total Commander 2.70 public beta 1 for Android is available now!

What's new in beta 1?
- Save as -> use new name as default name for further saves
Media player:
- Better show currently playing track by putting yellow/black frame around the icon
- Configuration dialog, allows to enable/disable some buttons in player bar and notification area
- Buttons to jump backward/forward by a user-defined number of seconds (disabled by default)
- Show previous and next track button in notification area, above each other
- Use MediaPlayer's "gapless playback" feature. Unfortunately there is still a small 100ms gap for mp3 files
- Support pre-buffering about 15 seconds before a track ends, reduces gap between tracks
- Android 6: External file system access using new "User-defined location" button.
- Android 6: Copying from external storage didn't work
- Android 6: Renaming on external storage didn't work (copied instead)
- Show JPG thumbnails also on Android 6 external media, but only if JPG contains EXIF thumbnails
- Wrong icon shown for ZIP files when disabling new icon look
- Use HttpUrlConnection instead of Apache HTTP client (discontinued on Android 6) for media proxy (playing streams), supports https and basic authentication
- Detect when Total Commander apk file was modified (e.g. by virus/trojan), show warning and terminate
2015-09-06 Added: Hide plugins (via context menu) from the home screen without uninstalling them
Help/HTML viewer:
- reload and exit buttons, can now download any file to Android's download directory
- Use internal Web Browser and HttpUrlConnection for downloading and installing plugins (only if there is no play store installed)

The history of changes can now be found here:

The plugins do not need to be updated for this beta.

Here is all the information you need to install:

The plugin is now available via Play Store! To install it, you need to
1. Join the Google Group Total Commander Mobile
2. Follow the link in the welcome message labeled "beta test settings"
3. Click on the button to enable beta testing
4. If you had installed TC from the store, it will install the beta automatically. Otherwise you will have to install TC from the store yourself.

Alternatively, you can download TC from us directly and install it on your device. If this is your first installation of TC for Android, please open the "Settings" app of your Android device and go to the "Applications" page. Here you need to allow apps from "Unknown Sources".

Now there are three ways to install Total Commander for Android:

1. If you read this page on your Android device, just click on this link:

2. If you read this page on your PC, and have a barcode scanner app installed on your Android device, double click on the following QR code, then scan it with your phone to start the download. You can get a barcode App by searching for barcode in the market. Personally I'm using the app "Barcode Scanner" by ZXing Team, it's a very simple one, which is open source, so it should be safe.

3. Finally you can of course type in the above link by hand in the web browser of your device.

On some devices, you need to go to apps - downloads to install, clicking on the .apk in the notification area may fail.

Please post your bug reports and suggestions here in the forum!

Thanks for your help!

Best regards

Christian Ghisler