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Add DOS's "REPLACE" command to the GUI

Posted: 2016-07-17, 01:25 UTC
by gdallal
`I looked hard to see whether this feature was already implemented but couldn't find it. It would be great to have the equivalent to the DOS REPLACE command. Instead of moving a file, the action would be to replace all instances of the file in the directory and its subdirectories in the opposite panel.

I realize I can open a command window to do this, but it would be nice to be able to do it through the TC interface.

Posted: 2016-07-18, 09:37 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Currently it's not planned: Most file formats on Windows are binary, using search+replace on them (e.g. doc, docx etc) would have disastrous results. Instead, try using a multiple document editor with search+replace across documents.

Posted: 2016-07-18, 10:03 UTC
by petermad
DOS's REPLACE command isn't about replacing content inside the files - it is about replacing files.

A function in TC that does then same as replace with the /S switch does could be usefull.

It is something like the current option in the copy dialog: "Copy to all selected folders/links in the target panel" - but including subdirs in the selected folders.

So all we need is a new option: "Copy to all selected folders/links and their subdirs in the target panel"

Posted: 2016-07-22, 09:55 UTC
by MVV
As a workaround, buttonbar button may be used for starting console with replace command with passing focused file and target path...