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TC Android v2.80b3 date/time wrong on copied files

Posted: 2016-08-30, 15:30 UTC
by johnstonf
When I insert an OTG usb key, and copy files to the OTG usb key, it puts the CURRENT date/time rather than KEEPING the original date/time. The key is a SanDisk 32GB convertible.

Is there an option i need to set, or is this a bug?

If I copy files to my NAS via LAN share, it keeps original time and date.


Posted: 2016-08-31, 15:47 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Android does not support preserving/setting the time, it has been a bug for AGES.

Here are the relevant bug reports in the Android bug tracker:

File setLastModified always returns false

setLastModified() always fails on Xoom unless running as root

File.setLastModified() always returns false on Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Sending the time via LAN works fine because the target isn't on Android itself.

Posted: 2016-09-19, 16:21 UTC
by johnstonf
OH WOW! Too bad!