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Total commander has problems to copy all files

Posted: 2017-05-31, 05:12 UTC
by Zygus
The best example is a try to copy files from /sys folder (it is not the only one but the easiest to check issue). TC has granted root privilages. It starts copy /sys content to sdcard then stops in middle. There is no info about any error of read access or sth like that.
I know that in /sys folder there are folders/files which can't be copied (some of them are representing physical parts of device) but I don't know why TC doesn't omitt those ones and continue copying the rest. It stops always on files which it can't read or see as empty content.
I need to choose each folder manually (unselecting the problematic ones) and that method with many folders is a nonconvenient one.

Posted: 2017-06-01, 10:04 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Thanks for your report. Can you give me an example name of a file which you can't copy?

Posted: 2017-06-02, 11:28 UTC
by Zygus
Just try to copy /sys to sdcard on rooted device. TC will stop in some moment without giving any error, just stops. The problem is not that it can't copy something, it is expected that some files can be protected somehow even for root user and can't be copied. The problem is it stops and not continues operation leaving rest of files and folders not copied when they are copyable.

Posted: 2017-06-05, 10:12 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
TC does handle errors like "cannot open". This sounds more like a device which can be opened, but reading from it hangs (or retrurns infinite data). This can happen e.g. with "/sys/dev" subfolder. I don't think that there is anything I can do about that. Try entering "sys" and only copying what you really need.

Posted: 2017-06-07, 13:15 UTC
by Zygus
Well, i can check what TC will return if I try to list the problematic file. Anyway, maybe it returns infinite data, maybe it hangs, but it doesn't crash TC and TC just stops copy files, no matter if it copied all files/folders from selected folder or not. It is not an error like cannot open because TC doesn't give any error, just stops copying. Maybe the copy operation is realized on separate thread, and this thread crashes but shouldn't TC give info to user that copy operation thread just crashed in this case? Because in this moment it looks like TC finished copy operation without error (and this is not true).
There is too much folders to select them manually (and folders in folders :) ).

Then next folder hard to copy is /data. The same bahaviour.
If I find a little time i will try to give more info.