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Creating sym links and automatic shuffle n play

Posted: 2017-08-12, 18:09 UTC
by jpma
Pls be patient with newbie. I did search fora but perhaps wrong syntax. Pls point me to guide howto create sym links from folder to folder. I have not yet figured out how to tc-player in background so until then I want to create sym link from androids internal memory music folder to my music Library on SD memory so I can use one of the basic music player.

Further. I am not clever enough making shell scripts for TC player working, when adding button for TC player shuffle and play, TC player won't start automatically and play selected files.

Please be patient =0)

Re: Creating sym links and automatic shuffle n play

Posted: 2017-08-13, 13:05 UTC
by DrShark
jpma wrote:Pls point me to guide howto create sym links from folder to folder.
For me the button (for not-rooted phone) from this post works. However since my phone isn't rooted, the button can only create symlinks in TC's own data folder (/data/data/ All other folders on the device are either read-only or, in the case with both SDCards (including fake internal one), they may be mounted as vfat which makes it impossible to use symlinks there.