[9.10RC1] Search window size is wrong on Win10 with 2 screen

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[9.10RC1] Search window size is wrong on Win10 with 2 screen

Post by *hero88 »

I am using 9.10RC1 with Win10 and 2 monitors, a primary 4K with DPI set to 125 and a 2K with DPI set to 100.

When use I search Alt+F7, the first time, the window width is okay, but everytime I then open it after that, it gets around 20% wider, and after the window fills the complete width of the 2 screens, then it just keeps to the width of the 4K monitor.

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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

This is a known misbehaviour of Windows 10: If you change the scaling settings in Windows 10 settings, it reports wrong values to TC until you log out and back in. I haven't found the reason for this behaviour so far.

Therefore please log out and back in, then TC and its windows should keep their positions correctly.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

This only happens after changing the scaling of the primary screen.

Please try with RC2: I have disabled per screen scaling now when the scaling of the primary screen was changed without logging out.

I will have to make extensive changes to support per screen scaling in this case - there is not enough time before the final release of TC 9.10, so I have disabled per screen scaling for this special case.
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Post by *hero88 »

Thanks, I had not rebooted.
And that fixed my problem. I had only focused on windows being able to do it, and you supporting different DPIs.
I should ofcourse have tried to log out and in again.
So RC1 behaves like it should, if you remember to log in and out.

If RC2 is running when switching DPI without logging in and out it has a small quirk, it shrinks everytime you search and moves up towards the left side corner, until it reached the minimum size where you can still see all the search fields, and then it stays at that size.

If you then restarts TC then the size size and placement stays the same.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

RC2 will do this if you don't close and re-open it. It checks for the problematic dpi change only when opened.

Btw, you don't need to reboot, just logging out and back in is sufficient.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

I have just released another release candidate, RC3, which should address this problem. It would be great if a fe people could test this on Windows 10 Spring Creators Update or Fall Creators Update!

1. Run Total Commander
2. Right click on the desktop
3. Choose the second-last entry (Display options)
4. Change the scaling, e.g. from 100% to 150%

-> Fix 1: TC should not be resized to a larger size than the screen. I had to use a limit in WM_GETMINMAXINFO to get this to work, Windows itself would constantly resize the window beyond the screen size even when I set a smaller size in WM_DPICHANGED message!

5. Open Search dialog, move it where you want it, close, re-open
-> Fix 2: The Search dialog should correctly remember the size and position you moved it to

6. Same as 5, but with multi-rename tool

I plan to release TC 9.10 final either this Friday or early next week.
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