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TCMP exit timer & notification (dis)appear at TC4A start

Posted: 2018-03-20, 23:14 UTC
by DrShark
Christian couldn't reproduce this on own devices, so I am posting this here.

To reproduce, repeat several times following actions:

1. Start the Total Commander.
2. Start TC Media Player (with queue playlist which has 2 or more tracks) form button bar button in TC, e.g. using internal command 137.
3. Close TC Media Player using player's red "X" button. If Cancel exit countdown will appear in notification (small x icon in the notification area is a sign) - wait till exit will happen, don't cancel it.
4. Close TC (hamburger->Exit).
5. Go to step 1.

You may notice that different events happen next time you're doing such actions:
* in step 3 player closed with no "Cancel exit" countdown, and in step 5/1 notification of a player appears in a notificaton area
* in step 3 player closed with "Cancel exit" countdown, and in step 5/1 notification of a player won't appear in a notification area

If you can reproduce that, then my thoughts about above behavior:
as far as I understand, it's correct that "Cancel exit" countdown appears only when player's notification is available in a notification area.
However, the question is: why, even though the repeating of SAME actions of start...close TC cycle happens, one time on TC's start player's notification appears in the notification area, next time it doesn't appear there, then it appears again, then doesn't appear and so on....