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"New TC version available" dialog

Posted: 2018-05-11, 11:15 UTC
by MarcinW
When TC informs, that there is a new TC version available, it displays a dialog (something like "do you want to go to TC home page to download") with Yes/No/Cancel buttons.

I don't think, that most of users will know the difference between choosing No and Cancel buttons. Is there any?

Maybe it would be good to add some info, like "Press No if you don't want to XXX or press Cancel to YYY".


Posted: 2018-05-11, 13:11 UTC
by Dalai
The Cancel button being there has just one reason: make the dialog abortable with ESC. So, no, there's no difference between No and Cancel. Adding more text to the dialog can help explain it, but I doubt many users would read it, and I also doubt that Ghisler would want the text to be longer than necessary (it's a dialog interrupting current user work after all).


Posted: 2018-05-12, 12:13 UTC
by MarcinW
So maybe just Ok/Cancel buttons would be better in this case?


Posted: 2018-05-12, 16:13 UTC
by Dalai
IIRC the OK/Cancel variant was discussed in the past (maybe during beta phase of TC9), but I don't remember Ghisler's answer about it. Unfortunately it isn't easy to search for common terms like this, but maybe you have more luck than me.


Posted: 2018-05-13, 07:38 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
OK/Cancel wouldn't be the answer to this question. It would have to be changed to something like "Click OK to visit the ghisler homepage" or so. I don't think that this is worth the troubles.

Posted: 2018-05-13, 10:10 UTC
by MarcinW
If this has been already discussed, I'm not the only one confused person :/

Both possible options (changing message text or changing buttons to Ok/Cancel) are not ideal. But Ok/Cancel (although, in fact, not ideally answering the question) seems (to me) to be less confusing than having both No and Cancel buttons.