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When selecting, scroll down earlier before the last entry

Posted: 2018-06-01, 22:22 UTC
by att

I have repeadedly the problem: When I select more files than fits on one screen, and the cursor goes down below the last element, I usually tend to select more files than intended by mistake, because I cannot see in advance which files are going to follow.

My suggested solution is as follows: Whenever cursor goes down and is near the bottom, start the scrolling down "X" lines EARLIER before the cursor actually reaches the last line on the screen.

I.e. start scrolling when the cursor is 2 lines before the last line, or 3, or 4, or 5 lines. Same for scrolling up.

A very nice old program from the commodore-64 times called "turbo assembler" did it exactly like this : it scrolled X lines EARLIER before reaching the actual bottom of the window when the cursor was there.
That parameter X ought to be selected by the user, either in the ini file or in the "configuration" submenu.

Furthermore, the scroll-down (or scroll-up) speed and speed acceleration and speed delay should be some parameters that the user can select.

Posted: 2018-06-02, 17:04 UTC
by petermad
Depending on how I adjust the bottom edge of the file panel (by adjusting the total height if TC's window) TC will autoscroll either one or two lines when reaching the bottom of the panel when selecting the files using Ins (or Space with SpaceMovesDown=1).

Here TC never selects invisible files.

Re: When selecting, scroll down earlier before the last entr

Posted: 2018-06-02, 20:26 UTC
by tuska
att wrote:I have repeadedly the problem: When I select more files than fits on one screen, and the cursor goes down below the last element,
I usually tend to select more files than intended by mistake, because I cannot see in advance which files are going to follow.
In such a case I mark files as follows:

1. Right-click on the first file -> The file is marked in red
2. Hold down the Shift key
3. Drag the scroll bar down [or up]
4. Click with the left mouse button on the last file then release the mouse button -> the first to and including the last file is now marked
5. Release the Shift key

I use the following settings:
Menu "Configuration" - Options... - Operation - Mouse selection mode: "Use right mouse button (as in NC) - context menu after 1 second"
wincmd.ini -> [Configuration] -> SingleClickStart=1

EDIT: Added … SingleClickStart=1

Posted: 2018-06-02, 20:46 UTC
by Hacker
I assume this is about selecting with the mouse.


Posted: 2018-06-02, 20:50 UTC
by petermad
2. Hold down the Shift key
3. Drag the scroll bar down [or up]
4. Click with the left mouse button on the last file then release the mouse button -> the first to and including the last file is now marked
You don't have to hold down the Shift key while you scroll - just Press Shift and left-click the last file, once you have located it - this way you can also scroll with the wheel (but you cannot scroll with arrow-keys, PgUp/PgDn or Home/End)

Posted: 2018-06-02, 21:59 UTC
by tuska
petermad wrote:You don't have to hold down the Shift key while you scroll - just Press Shift and left-click the last file, ...
Yes, but in this case in wincmd.ini under [Configuration] SingleClickStart=0 must be set.
The variant I mentioned above works with SingleClickStart=1.

Posted: 2018-06-03, 01:35 UTC
by petermad
SingleClickStart=0 is default, so you cannot really say it must be set, but you are right that your method works with all five settings of SingleClickStart.