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Compare by Content: view files with elevated access

Posted: 2018-06-04, 08:13 UTC
by DrShark
Currently on try to compare the file access to which requires elevation, Compare by Content shows an error like this:

Code: Select all

Compare contents
Access denied on file
(or, if such a file with elevated access is in opposite panel, and in active panel we're selecting a file with normal access, the path to a file from opposite panel simply not even passed to CBC.)

TC's Compare tool is used in overwrite dialog too to compare files, and since TC doesn't show values of content plugins there for files with admin access for security reasons, it would be nice to have at least Compare tool being able to show/compare the content for such files.

In email on my question why you didn't add support for elevated F4 editor, you wrote that there are no plans to add this because of security reasons:
Christian Ghisler wrote:Because TC cannot know whether the user just wants to view the file in notepad or his own editor, or really wants to modify it. It's better to leave the necessary elevation to the called editor.
Compare tool is editor too, and since you don't want to see editing capabilities enabled by default in not elevated TC for files with admin access, you can just disable "Edit mode" in CBC if at least 1 passed file requires admin access, or you show own elevation dialog to enable edit mode in CBC.