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Find in files - selection error in results

Posted: 2018-12-04, 10:33 UTC
by adoeller

when performing a text search in files (alt+F7), the file selection of the result changes while the search is running. i.e. that if you select the second file from top, neither the second position nor the specific file name keeps being selected.
please have a look at the video.

the selected file keeps being selected while the search is running

select several bigger files
invoke search dialog
enter text to search for in these files
start search
select files in the result, while the search is running

Re: Find in files - selection error in results

Posted: 2018-12-04, 15:21 UTC
by Dalai
Just to clarify the terms here: the selection stays active, only the cursor is kept on the same line (instead of the same file/result). Note that TC goes to the selected file (not the one under the cursor) when clicking the button "Go to file" or pressing ENTER.


Re: Find in files - selection error in results

Posted: 2018-12-06, 08:40 UTC
by adoeller
Yes, indeed. thanks for the details.

One more thing:
when pressing UP/ DOWN key, only UP is working.