Creating empty folders or files from a text file

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Creating empty folders or files from a text file

Post by *drbeat »

I want to create empty folder or file names from a text file (each line contains one corresponding name) How can I do it?
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PowerShell: Creating empty folders or files from a text file

Post by *Stefan2 »

You can do that with any scripting language.
Always depends on what you want to achieve; make absolute paths or create in current active folder?

But how to distinguish, in your list, folders from files?
TC add an trailing backslash on directories:

For such a list you can use f.ex. PowerShell (or VBS or AHK or...)

PowerShell: create files and folders from text listfile.txt, create FOLDERs if the line from the listfile has trailing backslash (\), else create FILEs :

Get-Content '.\Your Files list.txt'|ForEach{$N=$_-replace":","_";If($N[-1] -eq '\'){MD $N}else{New-Item -Path . -Name "$N" -ItemType "file" -Value "string if wanted"}}

Code: Select all

Get-Content '.\Your Files list.txt'|
    If($N[-1] -eq '\'){
      MD $N
      New-Item -Path . -Name "$N" -ItemType "file" -Value "This is a text string."

Or, the other way around:
PowerShell: create files and folders from text listfile.txt, create FILEs if the line from the listfile
has an dot as fourth (.HTM;.JPG) or fifth (.HTML;.JPEG;myFolder.2020\) sign backwards from the end , else create FOLDERs:

Get-Content '.\Files list Dateien liste-1.txt'|ForEach{$N=$_-replace":","_";IF($N[-4..-5] -eq '.'){New-Item -Path . -Name "$N" -ItemType "file" -Value "string if wanted."}else{MD $N}}

Code: Select all

Get-Content '.\Your Files list.txt'|
    IF($N[-4..-5] -eq '.'){
      New-Item -Path . -Name "$N" -ItemType "file" -Value "This is a text string."
      MD $N

To get no error if file/folder already exists, prefix the command by: $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue";
Example: $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"; Get-Content '.\Your Files list.txt'|ForEach{ ... }

We can make an button out of this which will work with the selected filelist.txt, or other things if you want.

Note on MD-command

PS X:\Temp> get-alias md

CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Alias md -> mkdir

PS X:\Temp> get-command mkdir

CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function mkdir

PS X:\Temp> get-content function:mkdir


. . . .
... ...
. . . . . . read more on your own console window ;-)
Help New-Item -Examples

PS C:\> help new-item -exa
PS C:\>New-Item -Path . -Name "testfile1.txt" -ItemType "file" -Value "This is a text string."
PS C:\>New-Item -Path "c:\" -Name "logfiles" -ItemType "directory" <<<<< Short: md "C:\logfiles"

What do you think about that?

# # #

Update for "Stefan Dummy File Creator"

$LIST='.\Your Files list.txt'

Get-Content $LIST |
# For each line from $LIST:
# Replace unwanted chars:
# If the line ends with an "\", create an folder:
If($N[-1] -eq '\'){
# If the folder not already exists, create him (this Test-Path-check will prevent error messages):
If( -not (Test-Path $N)){ New-Item -Path . -ItemType Directory $N}
# Else create a file:
# Only if the file not already exists, create it (that way don't overwrite already existing files):
# "-Path ." refers to the current working directory):
If ( -not (Test-Path $N)){ New-Item -Path . -Name $N -ItemType "file" -Value "This is a text string." -Force}


Or shorter (with aliases and better syntax):

PowerShell -NoExit
GC '%N'|%%{$N=$_-replace':','_';If(-not(Test-Path $N)){If($N[-1] -eq '\'){MD $N}else{NI $N -Force}}}
Create empty dummy files and folders (form SELECTED file with the list) in current working directory



# create always an folder:
GC '%N'|%%{ $N=$_-replace':','_'; If(-not(Test-Path $N)){MD $N} }

# create always a file (with path if asked for):
GC '%N'|%%{ $N=$_-replace':','_'; If(-not(Test-Path $N)){NI $N -Force} }

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Re: Creating empty folders or files from a text file

Post by *drbeat »

Wow very complicated issue than I thought. I found a tool called Text2Folders. I copy folder and file names then add to text file and create them as folder successful. I think this tool is enough for me. Thank you very much for your extensive work and sorry for taking your time.
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Re: Creating empty folders or files from a text file

Post by *Hacker »

Or, well, if you have a list of folders:

  • Folder1
  • Folder2
  • Folder3
you prepend an "md" before the folder names in a text editor of your choice and rename the file to .cmd:

  • md Folder1
  • md Folder2
  • md Folder3
and then click on FolderList.cmd. As for creating files, you could use . > this way:

  • . > File1
  • . > File2
  • . > File3
This, however, assumes, that you can split the lists into a file list and a folder list.

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Re: Creating empty folders or files from a text file

Post by *drbeat »

Thank you very much Hacker.
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