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Deletion of folder with two milions files

Posted: 2020-06-26, 14:43 UTC
by pmpb
Bug occured during deletion of folder with 2kk+ files. After removing 2kk (two milons) files percentage value equals 100%. With next files we got 101%, 102% etc.

Re: Deletion of folder with two milions files

Posted: 2020-06-30, 14:02 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Normally this happens when there are more files during the delete phase than there were when counting. Did anything in the background continue to create files in that folder?

Re: Deletion of folder with two milions files

Posted: 2020-06-30, 15:02 UTC
by pmpb
No, there was no background process. But TC was able to count files(before deletion) more quickly than W10, maybe in that place is some bug/assumption hiding?

Re: Deletion of folder with two milions files

Posted: 2020-07-03, 16:44 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Do you use the tool "Everything"?

Re: Deletion of folder with two milions files

Posted: 2020-07-06, 10:32 UTC
by pmpb
No, but what you need? Is there any other message channel where we can communicate more efficiently?

Re: Deletion of folder with two milions files

Posted: 2020-07-07, 13:49 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I asked because when getting the numbers via Everything, they may be outdated.

Re: Deletion of folder with two milions files

Posted: 2020-07-09, 10:45 UTC
by pmpb
In that case I do not use Everything. I was unable to open this folder in win explorer, and I am not sure about opening in TC. After all there was 6kk files in this folder and TC deleted all (300%+).

Re: Deletion of folder with two milions files

Posted: 2020-07-09, 12:07 UTC
by Hacker
Sounds like some integer overflow to me. Integer is 2^31 (2,147,483,648). 6 million files is three times that (300 %).


Re: Deletion of folder with two milions files

Posted: 2020-07-09, 12:56 UTC
by Dalai
Huh? 2^31 is 2.1 billion, not 2.1 million.


Re: Deletion of folder with two milions files

Posted: 2020-07-09, 13:55 UTC
by Hacker
Uhhh.... right... well, move along, there is nothing to see here. This is not the explanation you're looking for *waves hand*.
