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Formatting of numeric content plugin values

Posted: 2021-06-11, 10:39 UTC
by funkymonk
Hello there,

Similar to [plugin.field:1-3] for getting substrings from content plugins, it would be great to have some formatting options for *numeric* values.

For example:

[plugin.field:d] for decimal (standard)
[plugin.field:x] for hex
[plugin.field:b] for binary

And even better:

[plugin.field:d3] for decimal with separator after each 3rd digit --> "2.220.211"
[plugin.field:x2] for hex with separator after each 2nd digit --> "01 AB 8F"
[plugin.field:b4] for binary with separator after each 4th digit --> "0021 0001"

And even better (and more general):

[plugin.field:fn"s"] with
f=format(d/x/X/b/o) : decimal, hex lower case, hex upper case, binary, octal
n=group length for the separator
s=the separator

This way,
["[0x"plugin.field:X2"_""]"] would result in "[0x01_02_03_04]" for the decimal value 16909060.

Of course, left padding, explicit signs, endianess, etc. could also be considered ...

What is your opinion?


Re: Formatting of numeric content plugin values

Posted: 2021-06-13, 21:13 UTC
by funkymonk
Hello there,

I wanted to bring up the suggestion again with some more information about why it could be an interesting feature:
  • As a developer, I am interested in some content fields that actually represent addresses, bitfields, etc. Thus, hex and binary are particularly interesting.
  • When dealing with graphics/photos, I am sometimes interested in the overall pixel count. Here, decimal is great but unnecessarily difficult to read for large values without separator.
Maybe others can support the idea ...?


Re: Formatting of numeric content plugin values

Posted: 2022-04-21, 15:23 UTC
by funkymonk
09.03.22 Added: Content plugins: output numbers as hex, octal or binary. Syntax: [=plugin.field._format]. Example: field._x02' d=decimal, x=lowercase hex, X=uppercase hex, o=octal, b=binary, 0=keep leading zeroes, 2=2 digit groups, '=separator (32/64)

Thank you for adding this feature! Great!!!