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Select files with date of current file

Posted: 2021-06-19, 09:19 UTC
by tooor

I would like to suggest two menu entries in menu Mark for [de]selecting all files that have the same date (same day) of the current selected file.

As an enhancement an extension in the "Expand selection" dialog could be added to restrict the selection to a time intervall (start and end date or time stamp). Maybe with an option: [x] Select files outside the time range


Re: Select files with date of current file

Posted: 2021-06-19, 10:24 UTC
by Horst.Epp
Here is an Autohotkey macro which selects all files with the same date as the current file.

Code: Select all

FileGetTime, Date, %1%
FormatTime, Date, %Date%, yyyyMMdd
Loop, Files, *.*
	FormatTime, DateChecked, %A_LoopFileTimeModified%, yyyyMMdd
	If (DateChecked = Date)
		SameDateFileList .= A_LoopFileName . "`n"

If (SameDateFileList)
	ClipboardBak = %ClipboardAll%
	Clipboard := Substr(SameDateFileList, 1, StrLen(SameDateFileList) - 1)
	PostMessage, 1075, 2033, , , ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD
	Sleep, 1000
	Clipboard = %ClipboardBak%