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UX swipe to change panels problem request

Posted: 2022-11-14, 20:01 UTC
by szfjozsef
There is an issue on Android. When switching views (between left/right) I have to swipe. Currently the swipe distance is too big, I have to swipe too much to activate the other window. It is approximately 50% of the other window that has to be revealed in order to switch to the other panel/view/screen whatever. From UX perspective this is too much. I always end up trying to swipe 2-3 times before I realize, I have to swipe much more - the panel is jumping back to the original state. To switch panels, 15-20% dragged to the left/right is far enough, 50% is too much.

Here is a screen recording of the trouble:

Re: UX swipe to change panels problem request

Posted: 2022-11-16, 15:44 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
The problem is that people were unwillingly switching between the two panels when just scrolling vertically and moving the finger just a little bit sideways. That's why I added a minimum swipe distance. If you have a better idea, please let me know.