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Suggestion for Button Parameters (in Button Bar)

Posted: 2023-03-29, 20:09 UTC
by funkymonk
According to the documentation for buttons in button bars, "? as the first parameter causes a Dialog box to be displayed before starting the program, containing the following parameters".

This is great. However, it would be really nice to also show the
  • command (maybe in a separate edit field or just as non-editable label/string) and the
  • tooltip (maybe in the dialog title bar or also as a label/string)
in the dialog box.

This would make the dialog box more comprehensive...

What does the community think?

Re: Suggestion for Button Parameters (in Button Bar)

Posted: 2023-03-29, 20:28 UTC
by Fla$her
In the first field, this could be more useful for evaluating deployed environment variables. Personally, given my understanding of syntax, this is rarely required.
And the tooltip is already displayed after editing. Why does she need an additional indicator?