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How can I access the TC Media Player?

Posted: 2023-11-03, 06:38 UTC
by RonAug
How can I access the TC Media Player?
And create a button to access the Equalizer?

Re: How can I access the TC Media Player?

Posted: 2023-11-03, 09:56 UTC
by white

Moderator message from: white ยป 2023-11-03, 09:54 UTC

I assume this thread is about Total Commander for Android so I moved this thread to the Total Commander for Android forum.

Re: How can I access the TC Media Player?

Posted: 2023-11-03, 11:15 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
You can access it by long clicking on the Total Commander icon in the launcher. This opens a context menu with the player and editor. You can drag these to the desktop to create their own buttons. The equalizer can only be opened from the player window.