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Missing cm_SrcSwitchToThisCustomView

Posted: 2023-11-03, 16:28 UTC
by petermad
Currently we have cm_LeftSwitchToThisCustomView and cm_LeftSwitchToThisCustomView but why not a cm_SrcSwitchToThisCustomView ?

Re: Missing cm_SrcSwitchToThisCustomView

Posted: 2023-11-05, 11:46 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
It wasn't requested when I added those for left and right. You can still use cm_SrcCustomView1 etc. instead.

Re: Missing cm_SrcSwitchToThisCustomView

Posted: 2023-11-05, 13:38 UTC
by petermad
You can still use cm_SrcCustomView1 etc. instead.
yes, but if I change the order of the Custom views, it will point to the wrong view. With cm_*SwitchToThisCustomView I can use the name of the view - it is more versatile. It shold be quite easy (and not bug prone) to add cm_SrcSwitchToThisCustomView - it requires translation in the WCMD_LNG.INC files, so maybe for the next version of TC that requires translation.