AutoHotkey: From FileSync open another TC instance with selected files: Difference between revisions

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(added: use the same helper instance of TC for every call)
(added: support for single files (in other panel cd to dir) + optional settings)
Line 20: Line 20:
; please adjust path here; %COMMANDER_PATH% is not available outside of TC
; please adjust path here; %COMMANDER_PATH% is not available outside of TC
sTCExe := "C:\totalcmd\TOTALCMD.EXE"
sTCExe := "C:\totalcmd\TOTALCMD.EXE"
boAlwaysOpenNewTask := 0 ; set to 1 to not re-use TC target window (always open a new one)
boCdToFolderOnly    := 0 ; set to 1 to just cd to dirs (does not use Lister to select file)
iListerTimeOutSecs  := 1 ; if using Lister: timeout after n seconds of not appearing Lister
; static pidTC2
; static pidTC2
Send, {F3}
sLDirName := GetActiveTCListerPath()
Send, +{F3}
LB_GETTEXT := 0x0189
sRDirName := GetActiveTCListerPath()
ControlGetFocus, Panel_id, A
SendMessage, %LB_GETCARETINDEX%, 0, 0, %Panel_id%, A
IfWinNotExist, ahk_pid %pidTC2%
LB_CursorPosition := ErrorLevel
VarSetCapacity(LB_String, 1024, 0)
SendMessage, %LB_GETTEXT%, %LB_CursorPosition%, &LB_String, %Panel_id%, A
LB_CursorLine := LB_String
Loop ; find subdirectory
If (SubStr(LB_String, StrLen(LB_String)) = "\")
or (LB_CursorPosition < 1)
LB_CursorPosition -= 1
SendMessage, %LB_GETTEXT%, %LB_CursorPosition%, &LB_String, %Panel_id%, A
LB_SubDir := LB_String
ControlGetText, sLPath, TEdit2, ahk_class TCmpForm
ControlGetText, sRPath, TEdit1, ahk_class TCmpForm
sLDirName := "" ; get left path name
if (not boCdToFolderOnly)
and (SubStr(LB_CursorLine, StrLen(LB_CursorLine), 1) != "\")
Send, {F3}
sLDirName := GetActiveTCListerPath()
If (sLDirName = "")
sLDirName := sLPath . LB_SubDir
sRDirName := ""
if (not boCdToFolderOnly)
and (SubStr(LB_CursorLine, StrLen(LB_CursorLine), 1) != "\")
Send, +{F3}
sRDirName := GetActiveTCListerPath()
If (sRDirName = "")
sRDirName := sRPath . LB_SubDir
If boAlwaysOpenNewTask
or (not WinExist("ahk_pid " . pidTC2))
pidTC2 := ""
pidTC2 := ""
if not (pidTC2 = "")
if not (pidTC2 = "")
Line 33: Line 73:
sTCExe = %sTCExe% /O
sTCExe = %sTCExe% /O
sRunStr := sTCExe
sRunStr := sTCExe
if (sLDirName != "")
if (sLDirName != "")
Line 45: Line 85:
Run, %sRunStr%
Run, %sRunStr%

WinWaitNotActive, ahk_class TCmpForm,, 2 ; wait for starting lister, timeout 2 seconds
global boCdToFolderOnly, iListerTimeOutSecs
WinWaitNotActive, ahk_class TCmpForm,, %iListerTimeOutSecs% ; wait for starting lister, timeout in seconds
IfWinActive, ahk_class TCmpForm ; Lister hasn't started - no file on this panel side?
IfWinActive, ahk_class TCmpForm ; Lister hasn't started - no file on this panel side?
WinGetActiveTitle, sWinTitle
SetTitleMatchMode, 1
WinClose, %sWinTitle%
IfWinActive, Lister
WinGetActiveTitle, sWinTitle
WinClose, %sWinTitle%
iNamePos := (InStr(sWinTitle, "[", false, 0) + 1)
iNamePos := (InStr(sWinTitle, "[", false, 0) + 1)
; folder only
If (boCdToFolderOnly) ; folder only
; Return, % SubStr(sWinTitle, iNamePos, (InStr(sWinTitle, "\", false, 0) + 1) - iNamePos)
Return, % SubStr(sWinTitle, iNamePos, (InStr(sWinTitle, "\", false, 0) + 1) - iNamePos)
; folder + file name
else ; folder + file name
Return, % SubStr(sWinTitle, iNamePos, StrLen(sWinTitle) - iNamePos)
Return, % SubStr(sWinTitle, iNamePos, StrLen(sWinTitle) - iNamePos)

Revision as of 17:40, 24 July 2008

		; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		; // TC_Sync_OpenFolderInSecondTC.ahk  V0.12  (W) StatusQuo 2008
		; //
		; // 
		; // open another TC instance
		; // with the folders of the currently selected file in cm_FileSync
		; // via hotkey: Ctrl+Win+T
		; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#SingleInstance, Force

#IfWinActive, ahk_class TCmpForm
^#t::	; hotkey =  Ctrl+Win+T
		; please adjust path here; %COMMANDER_PATH% is not available outside of TC
	sTCExe := "C:\totalcmd\TOTALCMD.EXE"
	boAlwaysOpenNewTask := 0	; set to 1 to not re-use TC target window (always open a new one)
	boCdToFolderOnly    := 0	; set to 1 to just cd to dirs (does not use Lister to select file)
	iListerTimeOutSecs  := 1	; if using Lister: timeout after n seconds of not appearing Lister
	; static pidTC2
	LB_GETTEXT := 0x0189
	ControlGetFocus, Panel_id, A
	SendMessage, %LB_GETCARETINDEX%, 0, 0, %Panel_id%, A
	LB_CursorPosition := ErrorLevel
	VarSetCapacity(LB_String, 1024, 0)
	SendMessage, %LB_GETTEXT%, %LB_CursorPosition%, &LB_String, %Panel_id%, A
	LB_CursorLine := LB_String
	Loop	; find subdirectory
		If (SubStr(LB_String, StrLen(LB_String)) = "\")
		or (LB_CursorPosition < 1)
		LB_CursorPosition -= 1
		SendMessage, %LB_GETTEXT%, %LB_CursorPosition%, &LB_String, %Panel_id%, A
	LB_SubDir := LB_String
	ControlGetText, sLPath, TEdit2, ahk_class TCmpForm
	ControlGetText, sRPath, TEdit1, ahk_class TCmpForm
	sLDirName := ""	; get left path name
	if (not boCdToFolderOnly)
	and (SubStr(LB_CursorLine, StrLen(LB_CursorLine), 1) != "\")
		Send, {F3}
		sLDirName := GetActiveTCListerPath()
	If (sLDirName = "")
		sLDirName := sLPath . LB_SubDir
	sRDirName := ""
	if (not boCdToFolderOnly)
	and (SubStr(LB_CursorLine, StrLen(LB_CursorLine), 1) != "\")
		Send, +{F3}
		sRDirName := GetActiveTCListerPath()
	If (sRDirName = "")
		sRDirName := sRPath . LB_SubDir
	If boAlwaysOpenNewTask
	or (not WinExist("ahk_pid " . pidTC2))
		pidTC2 := ""
	if not (pidTC2 = "")
		WinActivate, ahk_pid %pidTC2%
		sTCExe = %sTCExe% /O
	sRunStr := sTCExe
	if (sLDirName != "")
		sRunStr = %sRunStr% /L="%sLDirName%"
	if (sRDirName != "")
		sRunStr = %sRunStr% /R="%sRDirName%"
	if (sRunStr = sTCExe)
	if (pidTC2 = "")
		Run, %sRunStr%,,, pidTC2
		Run, %sRunStr%


	global boCdToFolderOnly, iListerTimeOutSecs
	WinWaitNotActive, ahk_class TCmpForm,, %iListerTimeOutSecs%	; wait for starting lister, timeout in seconds
	IfWinActive, ahk_class TCmpForm	; Lister hasn't started - no file on this panel side?
	SetTitleMatchMode, 1
	IfWinActive, Lister
		WinGetActiveTitle, sWinTitle
		WinClose, %sWinTitle%
	iNamePos := (InStr(sWinTitle, "[", false, 0) + 1)
	If (boCdToFolderOnly)	; folder only
		Return, % SubStr(sWinTitle, iNamePos, (InStr(sWinTitle, "\", false, 0) + 1) - iNamePos)
	else	; folder + file name
		Return, % SubStr(sWinTitle, iNamePos, StrLen(sWinTitle) - iNamePos)


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