AutoHotkey: With Alt - \ always to root

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Revision as of 10:50, 21 April 2009 by ND (talk | contribs) (updated ND variant for TC 7.5 (unicode panels))
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If you are working with 'softlocked' Tabs (locked but dir change allowed) it's most time useful to change with [Ctrl]+[\] to the root of the locked Tab instead root of the drive. You can achieve this with the key LockedGoToDriveRoot=0 in the wincmd.ini.

However, sometimes it is useful to go instead to the root of the drive. That's what this script is for:

;Alt \ leads to root of drive
IfWinActive ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD
; activate the command line
    PostMessage, 1075, 4003, , , ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD
; type cd \
    sendraw, cd \
;   send it
    send, {ENTER}

Here's a variant by ND, which ensures that the script is only launched when one of the TC panels is active and which leaves the command-line history unmodified (tested in TC 5.50 and TC 7.01 on WinXP SP2, and TC 7.5 on WinXP SP3)

;! \brief  pressing Alt+\\ should land in drive root rather than tab root
;  Assumes that the panel title-paths are accessible (TMyPanel5/TMyPanel9)
;  Computes the number of different parts separated by \\,
;  then goes-up the appropriate number of parent dirs (cm_GoToParent)
#IfWinActive, ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD
  ; only when the actual TC panels are active
  ControlGetFocus, tcFocus
  If(  RegExMatch( tcFocus, "^TMyListBox1$" )  )
    tcPath = TMyPanel9
  If(  RegExMatch( tcFocus, "^TMyListBox2$" )  )
    tcPath = TMyPanel5
  If(  RegExMatch( tcFocus, "^TMyListBox\.UnicodeClass2$" )  )  ; new in TC 7.5
    tcPath = TPathPanel.UnicodeClass1
  If(  RegExMatch( tcFocus, "^TMyListBox\.UnicodeClass1$" )  )
    tcPath = TPathPanel.UnicodeClass2

  ControlGetText,  tcStatus,  %tcPath%
  RegExReplace(  tcStatus,  "[^\\>]+",  "$1",  tcBack  )

  tcBack--  ; minus the drive root itself
  If(  RegExMatch( tcStatus, "^.\\[^\\]" )  )
    tcBack--  ; minus the server root for network drives

  If(  tcBack > 0  )
    Loop, %tcBack%
      PostMessage, 1075, 2002  ; cm_GoToParent

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