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Version vom 4. September 2005, 23:32 Uhr von AlleyKat (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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== AlleyKat == - name aus einen alten Commodore 64 spiel von Hewson.

Über mich


Finn Sørensen
Neder Holluf Vej 8 A
DK- 5220 Odense SØ

Danish native speaker, English-3, Deutsch-2

Kontakt Info

Email: alleykat _at_

ICQ: 74363239 - MSN: (yep) - Skype: (yep)

IRC: - SF: dk_alleykat

Homepage: Dänische phpBB support forum

Oder Message mich hier auf wiki (keine garantie dass ich es sehe)
- am besten in englisch, ich rede deutsch ganz gut aber selbst zu schreiben fallt mir schwer.

Ich bin oft online und kann erreicht werden durch die Java IRC chat client auf meiner seite.

What is a Windows system to me

A - to me - user-friendly Windows system has a few all-important elements:

  1. Total Commander for filehandling, I dislike and despise the Explorer approach.
  2. A proper editor - at current I use the free ConTEXT editor which has powerful highlighting and a few neat features that I find very handy.
  3. A Mozilla FireFox browser - it's so fast and has some very very nice plugins. Unfortunately it's none too stable atm. (1.0.6).
  4. The Miranda Instant Messenger for ICQ, IRC, MSN, Skype and several little things.
  5. The Uniform Server, a Windows Apache MySQL PHP phpMyAdmin (WAMP) package for local PHP/HTML development.
  6. Some protection from all the bad guys and scriptkiddies out there, like AntiVir, SpywareBlaster, SpyBot S&D and a proper firewall.
  7. And just for kicks, a Pulse client for counting my keystrokes.