To reproduce:
1. Open TC with Full View in both panels and one (or two) Separate tree(s).
2. Make sure that Configuration -> Options -> Display -> Tree -> "Tree: Press ENTER to open dir in other window" is disabled.
3. Make an empty test folder c:\test and open the folder in both panels.
4. Right-click on c:\test in the Separate tree and click Delete or just highligt c:\test in the Separate tree and press Del.
5. Now the active panel changes to c:\ but the inactive panel still stays in c:\test even though it is deleted.
Sometimes when performing what is described above, I get a dialog box saying:
If I choose Skip - c:\test is deleted anyway and the inactive panel shows c:\test and c:\test is still visible in the Separate tree until I click in the inactive panel.The directory c:\test is not empty!
Do you want to delete it with all its files and subdirectories?
[Delete] [All] [Skip] [Cancel]
If I choose Cancel - c:\test is also deleted anyway but both panels are changed to c:\ - also here c:\test is still visible in the Separate tree, but here it is not enogh to click in the panels to make c:\test dissapear form the Separate tree.
Unfortunately I cannot find a way to reliably reproduce the directory-not-empty dialog coming up - probably due to caching. I can easier make it happen on Windows XP than on Windows 7 though.