"Triton AP Endpoint DLP" damages wincmd.ini

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"Triton AP Endpoint DLP" damages wincmd.ini

Post by *MossMan »

I've been running TC from a USB key with no issues for years...

But just the last couple of days, settings have been going haywire - randomly changing or being reset to default values.

After a little investigation, it seems that the wincmd.ini file in the program directory (on the USB) is being damaged - all the line breaks are being deleted and a bunch of empty space is being added at the beginning.

I ran chkdsk and it says no issues. The only thing that has changed this week is that this laptop has had "Triton AP Endpoint DLP" installed - which seems to be something to block copying of "protected" material to USB. I can only assume that this is somehow intercepting TC writing to the file and doing something weird to it. But it doesn't actually block it so I don't understand what it's doing!

It seems to mostly be happening the first time I run TC after power on - after that I can copy a backup wincmd.ini file there and TC runs fine (although things sometimes go weird again after a few hours). I've created a batch file to do this so I can live with it, but I thought I should mention it here so Christian can see and maybe other people will have some experience/solution to share as well...
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Indeed it sounds like this Triton software is interfering with writing to wincmd.ini. You could make wincmd.ini read only to prent TC from writing to it.
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Post by *MossMan »

After some more days using the batch file to restore the backup each time I start, I got fed up with things going wrong every couple of hours so I just copied everything to my user profile on the laptop and stopped using the USB.

Since then no problem. I read some more about the Triton thing, which sounds like some nasty spyware since it is supposed to inject an "invisible" fingerprint into files mailed, uploaded or copied to devices by employees - then their service traces any leaked documents back to the employee in question...

Big Brother! :x

Obviously their smart software is not very smart since that "invisible" fingerprint basically destroyed the file...
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