Feature request: Fuzzy search on configuration options

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Feature request: Fuzzy search on configuration options

Post by *Rykari »

Hi all & Ghisler

It would be useful to have a fuzzy search option available to the configuration window.

The goal is to quickly find a specific option, which I'd find especially useful given how feature rich this tool has become over the years.

I have a few suggestions for possible methods of implementation but first let me be explicit with my definitions for the sake of clarity:
  • Category / Sub-Category: These are the sections on the left of the configuration window. Category = Layout, Display, Operation etc. Sub-Category = Icons, Font, Plugins, etc.
    Sections: These are the labelled groupings on the right side of the configuration window. For eg, in the "Display" section there is 'File display', 'Tree', 'Sorting options' & 'Help Texts'
    Field: An interactive object. For eg, tick box, dropdown box, radial menu etc
    Label: The text associated with the Field.
Suggestion 1: - Most useful but also potentially requires the most work
- Filter all categories, sub-categories, sections & fields to display only if the fuzzy search string is in the label.
- Add "find next/previous" functionality to shift focus between the remaining labels containing the fuzzy search string

Suggestion 2:
- Highlight all categories, sub-categories, sections where the fuzzy search string matches a field/label pair
- Highlight the fuzzy string contained in the label
- Add "find next/previous" functionality to shift focus between the remaining labels containing the fuzzy search string
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Re: Feature request: Fuzzy search on configuration options

Post by *white »

Moderator message from: white » 2023-10-29, 12:50 UTC

Moved to Suggestions forum.

Similar thread: Configuration - Options screen: search through configuration
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