Talk:AutoHotkey: Inplace rename with dialog

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"SendMessage %LB_GETCURSEL%, 0, 0, %sf_FocusedControl%, ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD"

Here %sf_FocusedControl% should be replaced by sf_FocusedControl (tested with AutoHotKey and TC 6.53)

test of this script

I don't know how it works or where this makes the difference but here it works with both

"SendMessage %LB_GETCURSEL%, 0, 0, %sf_FocusedControl%, ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD"


"SendMessage %LB_GETCURSEL%, 0, 0, sf_FocusedControl, ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD"

Sheepdog 18. January 2006 10:45 (GMT)}