.LNK or .lnk?

The behaviour described in the bug report is either by design, or would be far too complex/time-consuming to be changed

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.LNK or .lnk?

Post by *yyang »

This issue is not pb 7.50 specific. It's picky of me to bring it up, but anyway...

For short-term tasks, I like to create shortcuts for a bunch of related files and put them into a new dedicated folder. Once the task is done the folder will be deleted, with no harm to the files themselves, which have been organized in a different, more "general" way.

For a long time I have noticed that some shortcuts are created with a lowercase, ".lnk" extension, and others with ".LNK". ".lnk" seems to appear more regularly with pb 7.50. It often distracts me to see ".lnk" shortcuts scattered with ".LNK" ones, especially when I'm driven crazy by a deadline. So when I need to create shortcuts now, I always check the extensions and make them all lowercase.

After some tests I tend to believe the extension case of a shortcut depends on the target file's title name (basename excluding extension); the simplest name I've come up with which results in a ".LNK" shortcut is "A.b.txt", while "a.b.txt", "a.B.txt", "Ab.txt" all result in ".lnk". I am still not sure when ".LNK" will appear. In addition it would be nice to add an option that mandates lowercase or uppercase for all shortcuts.
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Post by *sqa_wizard »

Well, the reason is obviously a consistent notation.
Filenames with all capital letters get an all capital extension.

ABCD.txt get a .LNK while abcd.txt get a .lnk, just for the sake of a "better" look.
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Post by *yyang »

sqa_wizard wrote:Well, the reason is obviously a consistent notation.
Filenames with all capital letters get an all capital extension.

ABCD.txt get a .LNK while abcd.txt get a .lnk, just for the sake of a "better" look.
Thank you for the tip! But I don't think it'll look better for files with multiple dots and mixed cases.

As I remember some Chinese names may also result in ".LNK" shortcuts and they don't look nice at all, although I can't figure out an example right now. Since Total Commander is heading towards Unicode-ready, leaving the option to users may be better.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Please let me know if you find an example where it doesn't look right.
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