[Minor-minor] Moving files.

The behaviour described in the bug report is either by design, or would be far too complex/time-consuming to be changed

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[Minor-minor] Moving files.

Post by *gewone »

To begin with, in some way this is not even to consider a real bug. It's more like, well, erhm, sort of like an "auto-correction behavior" that works ½ of the times. Hmm, I guess that's a good way of putting it, hrhr..

Like this. Scenario: You have C:\ in the left panel; D:\PLAYGROUND in the right panel. Now say you want to move the dirtree C:\DIRTREE1 into D:\PLAYGROUND\DIRECTORYTREES\ ; eg. mkdir "DIRECTORYTREES" while moving. TC is usually really intelligent in this matter, I only need to hit F6 when DIRTREE1 is under cursor, and type in now for this example "D:\PLAYGROUND\DIRECTORYTREES\" for target, and TC will automatically create the dir DIRECTORYTREES and put DIRTREE1 there. Amazing, and neat! ;)

HOWEVER. I was just playing around, and wanted to see if there was a dash-backslash auto-correction feature. I typed in "D:\PLAYGROUND\DIRECTORYTREES/" for target, and pressed RETURN. It worked. It auto-corrected the dash to a backslash and did what it's supposed to.

However, I then tried to execute the command with the background/queue function (eg. F2). Now it did not work. It yelled "The target path D:\PLAYGROUND\DIRECTORYTREES\ is invalid".

Note how it indeed _does_ echo the target path with the correction (a backslash in the end), but still refuses. Hehe.. Like I said, minor-minor, just a little "note" about this "non-consistent behavior" (if it's okey to call it that). I doubt that anyone would ever wank about this anyways so.. :P

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Post by *MVV »

Please do not use forward slashes instead of backslashes because in Windows standard folder names divider is backslash.
Sometimes it may work but sometimes not. You see that both statements have place. :wink:
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