Imagine - Current latest WIP version

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Post by *nyam »

deus-ex wrote: Could you please enable zooming with 'Fit to window' option on?
Now, if i want to use zoom i have to switch it off first, when finished with
zooming i have to switch it on again.
I'll check it and support it if possible. :)
deus-ex wrote: P.S.: No, whe are not bothered when you announce new versions of Imagine.
Be it wip, alpha, beta, final, whatever.... Just let them come in :D
Thank you, I like it!
Vansumsen wrote: For me 'Fit only big images' is always 'on' excepted when I zoom.

Thanks for this great soft

Thank you
Now I realized that there are many users who use the option, and the problem should be fixed. :)
djk wrote: Thanks for understanding us about the forum

Thans for faster information displaying, it works much better now.

Thanks for adding multilanguage support (I will send you Polish translation later).

Unfortunately there is still no hourglass coursor during long lasting operations.

I also always use "Fit only big images".
Altought you can use zooming with this option on - there is a strange behavior while I try to zoom the image OUT (press "-"). It first zooms it IN (to 70%) and then after next pressing "-" it zooms it out.

BTW: in the "Fit only big images" mode there is no info about the current scale (zooming) - there is only info "Fitted".
The delay of information dialog was because of counting the number of unique colors. So I seperate the feature as a button. (And also, I made speed enhancement on it.)
If you send me the Polish translation, I'll include it in next release. :)
And, I'll provide the hourglass cursor during long lasting operations from the next version.
The strange behavior on zooming is because the zoom factor value(%) is an absolute value. In the 'Fit only big images' mode, the image can be zoomed by default. (At unknown their own factor value(%)) But, if you zoom it out, the image will be zoomed by 70%,50%,30%,... anyway.
I'll consider displaying zoom factor value when the image is fitted. (Fit only big images or Fit to window)
icfu wrote: Is there any chance for mouse wheel support to scroll through the pics?
I'll add a option that configure the mouse button behavior.
(Left,Right,Middle and Wheel)
User can configure behavior as they want.
Raymond wrote: Thanks for adding "delete" menu in new version. I tried it.
After deleting a file, the view of the file is still there. And I can't switch to next file by pressing space. (Sure, the file has been killed.)
It will be better after a file is deleted, the view will swith to next file.
Oh, I didn't know that! :( Sorry!!! :( That's a really bug.
I'll fix the problem!
Thank you for your bug reporting! :)
Black Dog wrote: E.g. I am :). Thanks for "Alt"+"Enter" for "Preference" dialog. What about other suggestions, can you comment them?
Thank you in advance.

n> - 'Full screen' menu added.

Open image in QV mode, hit return - you'll get full screen mode, but with Commander title bar and menu. Is it possible to hide them too?
BTW, is it possible to set "Alt"+"Enter" for Preferences dialog?

n> - 'Rotate free' menu added.

How can I leave this mode (accept switching to another file and back)? May be you can add some reread command for that?

n> - Zoom out smaller than original size of the image.

Not in "Fit only big image" mode - actually you can't do any zoom of fitted image.
BTW, is it possible to map "Zoom to 100%" to ^H (like in IView)?

n> - Zoom in/Zoom out with mouse wheel supported. (with Shift
n> key)

IMHO "Ctrl"+scroll is more intuitive for that, like in applications working with riched32.dll.

n> - Horizontal scroll with mouse wheel supported. (with Ctrl
n> key)
I changed the shortcut of preferences dialog to 'Alt+Enter' again.
I noticed that full screen can't hide the task bar at first time. I'll fix the problem from the next release.

And I added 'Reopen' menu for your 'rotate free' problem. :)

And you can zoom in/out in 'Fit only big images'
But, I think that Imagine doesn't have to follow the IrfanView shortcut.
(Current 'Numpad *' is same as XnView's shortcut.)
But, I'm considering of 'Hotkey configure'. :) Don't worry about that. :)

And, I'll offer mouse button behavior configure from the next version.
The other questions can answered by this.
Raymond wrote: "full screen" feature is great! And I like the way when in QV mode, pressing return will bring up to whole window display, and then back to QV mode.
Is it possible to add "full screen" check in Preferences, so display will be in full screen right after I call the Lister?

Another wish: Is it possiable to add a menu and shortcut to delete current image file? For example, Del key will send the file to Recycle Bin, Shift+Del will delete it directly.
I'll consider it and add the 'Full screen' feature in Preferences. :)
And, I added 'Delete' feature from this beta release. (Shift+Del is delete directly)
fabiochelly wrote: Could you add support for the Gimp XCF files?
As I mentioned on my homepage, that seems take a long time. :(
But if possible, I'll add the file format as a plugin.
fabiochelly wrote: I use your plugin on many occasions to browse my pictures one by one in full screen.
I think that it would be a great improvement if, while viewing one picture, the plugin could preload the next one. This way, the plugin would be able to display pictures almost instantly.

It would be great also to add the ability to see the previous picture with the Page up key.
I think that preloading of image is not easy. And, I think that Lister plugin must use little resource. So, the suggestion cannot be implemented for some time. :(
And, I'm considering of 'Hotkey configure'. :)
djk wrote: Some notes:
- Getting information in new version of Imagine lasts very long. Probably it's because of adding EXIF info (thanks for it). I suppose that you read at once general info and EXIF info - maybe it would be better to read only general info after choosing Information option, it would be quick (as in older version) and EXIF info after choosing it. Most people don't need it, I suppose.

- While transfoming image (rotating, using filters) you could change the coursor into hourglass. Now, user doesn't know if something is being done or it's already done.

- If I press right button of the mouse I very often don't get the context menu. Why? Cause I often move my mouse at the same time and then instead of getting the context menu I move my picture or if I work in "Fit only big images" mode nothing happens (only the coursor changes into hand). I would prefer to move picture using pressed left button of mouse instead of the right one.

- As Black Dog wrote, it would be useful to have "Reload" option.

BTW: You don't develope 'wlxFlic' plugin any more? Imagine has all its function? I ask because "wlxFlic" is still on Christian TC addons pages. IMO Imagine should be there instead of it.
The delay of information dialog was disappeared. (As I mentioned, the problem was because of counting the number of unique colors.)
And, I'll provide a hourglass cursor on transforming image from the next release.
And, 'Mouse button behavior configure' can be a solution for you.
(This will be added from the next release.)
And, I added 'Reopen' menu. :)
I don't develop the 'wlxFlic' plugin anymore. Yes, Imagine has all of its feature. But, 'wlxFlic' can be a tiny solution if who wants only Flic animation support.
And, I'll request the official plugin license from version
(Current version is beta yet.)
Strogg wrote: Are you going to add support of 48b tif images?
Oh, I implemented only 1,4,8,16,24,32bit of TIFF images.
I'll support 48bit of TIFF images and tiled TIFF images from the next release.
Duke wrote: - the picture information (shortcut I) and EXIFinformations shows very slow (100% cpu usage), can you enhance the speed?
with big picture >4 MBytes are min. 20 sec
- also speed enhance the filter function?
- a extra shortcut (E) only for EXIF information window, this would be beautiful !
The delay of information dialog was fixed. Please read above :)
The speed of filter doesn't seem to be critical. But if there's any chance of enhancing of its speed, I'll do it. :)
And, 'Hotkey configure' can be suit for you. (From the next release)
SUKER wrote: Here: the file (~2 êá) if your have WinXP or Win2000, Imagine plugin installed, and press f3 on it. - the size of virtual memory used by the TC grows approximately up to 250mb the file loading a long time too. If to press esc, v.m is not released. By repeated pressing f3 the size of v.m. grows up to 500 Mb, etc... And with operative memory something wrong too - sometimes while loading this file, memory change up to 120mb. V.m. is released only when TC closed.
After I remove Imagine from plugins list - all working fine.
It was checked on 3 computers with TC 6.01 under WinXP prof SP1. and Win2000 Sp4. Under Win9x all working fine...
I fixed the problem. :)
Last edited by nyam on 2004-03-03, 13:47 UTC, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by *nyam »

Strogg wrote:Hi, nyam ,
Are you planning to add support for 48 bit Tif and Psd-s?
It would be great!
As I mentioned above,
I'll support 48bit of TIFF images and tiled TIFF images from the next release. And, I'll rewrite the PSD decoder. This will support 48bit or higher PSD image.
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Re: Surprise---

Post by *nyam »

Clo wrote:2nyam

:D  Hello Nyam,
• Please, check your mail-box at hotmail, there is a (good) surprise
for you :wink:

:mrgreen: Kind regards,
I checked the mail! And I suprised!
How could you translate the text so speedly! :)

I'll add the french translation from the next release. :)

But I want you preserve the shortcut characters. (&)
And, please rename the 'Template.MNU' to 'French.MNU'. :)

Thank you for your great work! :)
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Glad you be glad !

Post by *Clo »

:)   Hi again,
How could you translate the text so speedly!
• I use to translate such files… These ones aren't big.
But I want you preserve the shortcut characters. (&)
• Isn't possible for all menu-entries, since in French sometimes you have not the same right letter at all in a string, for the same meaning than the English one. It's the same issue in TC, where some menu-shortcuts can't be the same than in English or German.
• However, I tried to match the similar strings in the menus and in the LNG.
- I've to polish up this a bit again; whether I find improvements, I'ld send you the modified files quickly.
And, please rename the 'Template.MNU' to 'French.MNU'.
:oops:  Sorry, I forgot because I were disturbed when finishing the menus...
- Hoping that you'll get the dozen of other languages from here,
:mrgreen:  Kind regards,
#31505 Traducteur Français de TC French translator Aide en Français Tutoriels Français English Tutorials
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Re: Glad you be glad !

Post by *nyam »

Clo wrote: • Isn't possible for all menu-entries, since in French sometimes you have not the same right letter at all in a string, for the same meaning than the English one. It's the same issue in TC, where some menu-shortcuts can't be the same than in English or German.
• However, I tried to match the similar strings in the menus and in the LNG.
Oh, I see the reason! :)
The shortcut characters can be different. :)
Clo wrote: - I've to polish up this a bit again; whether I find improvements, I'ld send you the modified files quickly.
Thank you again!!! :)
Clo wrote: Sorry, I forgot because I were disturbed when finishing the menus...
- Hoping that you'll get the dozen of other languages from here,
Yes, I hope to receive many translation text here. If there's who send me a translation, I'll add it from the next release. (Because these texts aren't big. :wink:)
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Post by *Hacker »

And, I'll request the official plugin license from version
What does that mean? Will your plugin be not free from version 1.0?

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Post by *djk »

Hacker wrote:nyam,
And, I'll request the official plugin license from version
What does that mean? Will your plugin be not free from version 1.0?
I think it only means that nyam only will ask Christian to put the plugin to his official addons page when the plugin will be really stable (anyway I think it already is).

BTW: Do you think Christian wil put it on his page? The plugin supports gifs and the Swiss law.... :-(
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Post by *Lefteous »

BTW: Do you think Christian wil put it on his page? The plugin supports gifs and the Swiss law....
He will surely put the plugin on his site, but he will probably not host the file.
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Obsolete patent ?

Post by *Clo »

The plugin supports gifs and the Swiss law....
:) Hi !
• I heard that the GIF-patents were valid until 2003, December, 31 only...
• Maybe someone should have official infos about this ??
- True or false ?
- Pic-browsers like XnView don't process GIFs, just display them as read-only...

:mrgreen:  Kind regards,
#31505 Traducteur Français de TC French translator Aide en Français Tutoriels Français English Tutorials
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Post by *djk »

True, I've forgotten that there is such a possibility and it already works this way for some plugins.
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Post by *nyam »

Hacker wrote: What does that mean? Will your plugin be not free from version 1.0?
As djk mentioned,
I'll ask Chrisktian to put my plugin to his official addons page when the version reaches
(I think that version can be stable enough to be a official plugin. ;) )
Imagine plugin is always free. ;)
Clo wrote: • I heard that the GIF-patents were valid until 2003, December, 31 only...
• Maybe someone should have official infos about this ??
I don't know exactly about the GIF-patents too. :(
Do I have to remove GIF saving feature? :(
Maybe someone can help me. :(
Last edited by nyam on 2004-03-01, 12:33 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by *djk »

nyam wrote:Do I have to remove GIF saving feature? :(
Don't do it, please!
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Post by *nyam »

djk wrote: Don't do it, please!
I don't want that either. :(
Where can I find informations about the GIF license?
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Post by *djk »

Maybe here:
Clo wrote: • I heard that the GIF-patents were valid until 2003, December, 31 only...
The U.S. LZW patent expires June 20, 2003, the counterpart Canadian patent expires July 7, 2004, the counterpart patents in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy expire June 18, 2004, and the Japanese counterpart patents expire June 20, 2004.
BTW: It's really not exactly Swiss law (I've mistaked it with encryption problem) but GIF patent, sorry.
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Post by *Strogg »

nyam wrote: As I mentioned above,
I'll support 48bit of TIFF images and tiled TIFF images from the next release. And, I'll rewrite the PSD decoder. This will support 48bit or higher PSD image.
I will wait impatiently :)
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