Dragging files into Postbox from Dropbox folder

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Dragging files into Postbox from Dropbox folder

Post by *TripleT »


I'm not quite sure whether this is a Postbox or Total Commander issue, but TC has way better support, so I'm asking here first, sorry guys! :)

Postbox is a mail client based on Mozilla Thunderbird. When dragging files from a Dropbox folder into the compose window, it can automatically create a sharing link to the file on the Dropbox website, instead of attaching the file.

However: when I drag a file from my Dropbox folder into Postbox using the Windows Explorer, this feature works fine. Dragging the file from Total Commander instead does not work: Postbox does not recognize that the file comes from inside the Dropbox folder and attaches it directly. The question thus is: what is the difference between dragging from the Explorer and from Total Commander, such that in the first case, the Dropbox origin is recognized, while in the second case it's not?

Thanks a lot,
-- Sebastian
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Hmm, no idea - I'm using the standard OLE2 for Drag&Drop.
Author of Total Commander
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