Total Commander LAN Plugin to OS X Mavericks

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Total Commander LAN Plugin to OS X Mavericks

Post by *FearlessSpiff »


As my NAS died I wanted to use my Mini with Mavericks on it as a replacement. But somehow I am not able to connect to the SMB service running on it.
I then read something about SMB2, SMB1 a.s.o and installed SMBUp. With this I am able to connect from Android, but not anymore from my other Macs from Finder. There seams to be a workaround to use cifs:// in Finder but I didn't test it yet. Also I am not able to delete some files when running SMBUp.

So why is LAN Plugin not working with Mavericks SMB implementation. And will there be a running solution sometime?
Or what would be the best way to share data from a Mac to Android. I also tried WebDav, but there the direct play of movies doesn't seam to work. :-(
And what about an afp plugin?

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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Unfortunately the used JCIFS library ( ) does not support SMB2 yet. I could not find any roadmap on their homepage to support SMB2.
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