Cant pick or find file Association

Support for Android version of Total Commander

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Cant pick or find file Association

Post by *johnstonf »

I installed TWO graphic editors (besides useless Skitch which i was trying to use, but it is useless for me). When i open a png or jpg file, and it asks the program to open it with, ONLY Skitch (and other NON-Relevant) programs appear, but NOT the two i installed (Autodesk SketchBook Express and Infinite Design). These do NOT appear it the list of programs to use. I get the same when I try to manually associate... they just ARE NOT in the list when the "Choose App" appears... I have rebooted, etc... no luck. Why do some programs NOT appear??
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

On Android, the target program determines (via manifest file) which formats it supports. Apparently there is no definition for PNG/JPG, or the definition is wrong.

Solution: You can define an internal association in Total Commander - Configuration. This will work only within Total Commander, since the Android system associations cannot be changed.
Author of Total Commander
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